2. The Pantry, Of All Places?!

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"Please... put me down, Prince Licht."

"Oh Heine darling! It's so nice to see you too~" He sings into my ear, making me wince, "I've been looking all over for you. My lady friends want to meet you so much!"

Oh no. Hell no.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness - but I'm regretfully busy." I try to squirm out of his hold, "I've got lessons to prepare for Prince Bruno. Please let me go."

"Aw, that's too bad. Only Teach, Brunie's gone to visit his friend in Orosz, isn't he?"

Right. I forgot.

"That means that Brunie's lessons can wait, right?" Licht starts to walk. 


I think of a thousand different excuses, but none can do. What's worse is that Licht is walking briskly with me flopping on his shoulder like a half-empty sack, muddling up my thoughts in the process.

After taking countless turns and passing several corridors (I'm still not very used to the vastness of the palace) Licht stops. "We are here!" Licht announces cheerfully. I look up from my awkward position to see a door before us.

Before I can get my bearings, Licht pushes open the door, carries me inside and plops me on a table. My eyes take in the barrels and boxes stacked neatly against the sides and the shelves lining the walls.

"The... the pantry?" I weakly ask, my head still spinning from the journey.

Licht grins. "Ten on ten, Teach - You got it right! I happen to experiment here for many different and unique blends of coffee!" He then walks over to a shelf and pulls out a jar, "Want some?"

"Oh yes please. Three mugs will do." I carefully climb down the table onto the chair next to it. Licht laughs, "THREE MUGS?! Should a kid be drinking that much coffee, Teach?"

"That is NOT AMUSING, Your Highness." Also, makes you annoyingly sound like Viktor. I grimace at the thoughts of Viktor's bad jokes about my height, which somehow seem to irritate me more than anything else. Licht chuckles and hands me a mug. So fast?

"Thank you." I take a sip and nod in satisfaction. 

Licht has a way with coffee and people. He would thrive even if he was born a commoner. His brother, on the other hand, is a completely different story...

"Hey Teach - I'm thinking about learning how to make desserts!"

I look up from my mug, "Why, if I may ask?"

Licht pours himself a cup as well and sits on the table. I should be intimidated by his height - but frankly, having a tall friend since childhood makes one somehow used to it.

"Well, it's very useful. For instance, people who come to the Cafe often eat a torte or any other cake with coffee."

I nod, remembering the time when I tried it out Licht's recommendation and found it to be absolutely delightful, "Very well, Prince."

"Also, I can impress the ladies with my skills." He winked.

"I have absolutely NO need to know that reason."

"Ouch - you're so cruel, Teach!"

I have taken to visiting the pantry every evening to do my work in there - in order to give Licht some company and also for that, ehem, occasional cup of coffee.

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