CH 1 Dancing

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Mischa POV--

I'm at nationals and I'm about to go on stage my nerves have gotten the best of me and I keep biting my fingernails. My partner Lisa comes up to me "Are you ready to go Misha." I go out on the stage with her and we take our positions and the music starts so we start our stance off nice and slow and as a music progresses the beat picks up and I take her and I throw her in the air and I catch her as she lands perfectly in my arms. We do a couple more harder moves and then the music stops and we take our bows and we walk off stage.

It's our second dance and my nerves have calmed down a little. I don't know why after all these years I still get nervous to dance . I pull Lisa out on stage again we take our positions as we get ready to dance. I'm holding her body close as we get ready. When the music starts I pick up my dance partner and throw her in the air as she comes down I gracefully spin her across the room we do side-by-side leaps and jumps and twists as I come down on the last leap I feel something snap in my ankle and I dropped to the floor and scream.

Hours later after an ambulance ride to the hospital for x-rays and all the other tests you could think of. I find out I have a sprained ankle. There goes the rest of my competitive dancing season for this year. It will take six weeks to heal then only light pressure for a month no flying leaps.

I don't know what I'm going to do I have to call my mom to come pick me up. I'm out of town at my competition and I of course still haven't got my stupid drivers license. I've never had time to go take the stupid test.

My mom stupid new boyfriend answers the phone at the house when I call. "Matt let me talk to my mom."

"She's not here."

"What do you mean she's not there. What are you doing at my house if she's not there?"

"Waiting for her to get home obviously call her on her cell is it an emergency you sound weird."

"Yes Matt it's an emergency I'll car cell goodbye."

I call my mom cell phone number and cross my fingers that she actually answers. She really doesn't answer her phone while she's at work I've learned that the hard way over the last couple of years. When she finally answers the phone. "Mom I'm at the hospital in Bakersfield and I missed the bus home so I need a ride home."

After she screams at me for not calling her earlier she says she's on her way. Another couple hours later she finally pulls up and we drive three hours home . God if this competition had even been just a little bit closer my Papa would've been here I would've had to call mom pick me up and wait all damn night at the stupid hospital but it wasn't. It was one of my more farther away ones.

When I get home I see my moms stupid boyfriend still here. "It's the middle the night what is he still doing here?"

"Oh honey I have to tell you something I know it's a bad time with your hurting and all but I asked I asked Matt to move in with me and I know we have This summer before you leave but I think he's the one and you are 18 and going to college next year I don't want to be alone in this big old house."

I say "Ueah that Papa bought." under my breath.

More louder I say "Whatever mom."

I get up and I go to my room and go to sleep for the night trying to gingerly lay with a sprained ankle hopefully it'll Heal and I can dance again next year. But who knows I might just take a break on dancing. It has been my whole life for the last 10 years it might be nice to be a normal teen for once do normal things. This is my senior year summer before I have to go to college.
The six weeks fly by and now I can put pressure on my ankle and walk without churches. I have my mom drop me off at my Papa's on her way to work so I can talk to him about moving. I don't want to live there with Matt anymore the last six weeks have been hell. Matt is friggin only a couple years older than me but acts like he has some type of authority over me. I guess I could say the same thing about Angel but at least Angel doesn't try to treat me like I'm freaking little kid still he treats me like I'm an adult like an equal.

I'm really happy my Papa found Angel after Jordan I really thought he'd given up on love I'm so happy that he's happy with Angel. Now that they are living together I don't have to worry about my Papa being alone so much.

I get out of the car and knock on the door when he answers the I hug him tight. "We need to talk can you go in late to work?"

"Of course sweetie." We go sit on the couch.

"Papa I'm so mad at mom right now. Her new boyfriend he called you a faggot."

"It's ok baby I know what some people will say about me. I'm an adult I can handle some immature name calling. Don't let it upset you."

"But you don't understand Papa... I'm gay how can I ever be comfortable when he lives there with this hate and righteous judgement. It's killing me every time he says something I feel it like a stab in my gut."

My Papa pulls me close and runs his hand up and down my back. "I'm sorry baby I didn't know you never said I only assumed you went to prom with that girl Lisa."

"I know she's my best friend and dance partner we do everything together. But I like guys and I know mom hates gays to because of you I just can't take it. I feel like I can't be me there. It's only for this summer anyways I have a dorm room when college starts."

"Baby I want you here always wherever I am will always be your home I just don't want to upset your mother but your 18 your an adult it's your choice where you live. Schools out so your mom shouldn't be to upset you usually stay with me a lot in the summers anyway. I'm sorry I ruined your moms opinion on gays. I'm sure if you told her she would except you. You are her baby boy."

"I'm not ready to tell her yet Papa I have known I was gay since I was thirteen and I have never even thought of telling mom she would flip. It didn't matter anyway I had dance and no time for a boyfriend anyways. But now with my ankle shot I want to get out there and live. I can't do that at moms."

"I'm sorry you feel that way son. Why didn't you tell me you were gay you know I would have supported you. I can see why you didn't tell your mom but why not tell me."

"Like I said Papa it wasn't a big deal I didn't have time for boys so it didn't matter plus I don't want you to think it was because of you. I just wanted to dance. I wasn't hiding anything it just wasn't relevant at the time. Now it is."

"Well I know Angel loves and adores you so as long as you think you can get along here it's fine with me if you spend the summer with us. I love you and I would do anything to make you happy Mischa."

"I know Papa I love you too. So you will tell mom I'm goi to be living with you."

"Not so fast little one I will do no such thing. You tell her but I will I go with you and stand by your side for it. "

"Fine I guess if I have to I will. Well she gets home at 530 and her boyfriend will probably already be there. Don't be surprised Papa mom took a page out of your book the new boyfriend is young real young."

"Sweetie it's fine I don't care who your mother chooses to be with. I just want you to be happy and that makes me happy."

"Yeah Papa that's what you say now what until you see him. "

When five o'clock rolls around we get in in my Papas car because I still haven't got my drivers license and with my ankle I'm not sure when I will be able to take the test. When we pull up my moms car is already in the driveway.

"Alright son I got your back let's go in there and tell your mom the news."

An hour later after my mom cried and basically begged me not to leave we have a few boxes of my stuff in the trunk of the car and are on our way home. I can't wait to see how this summer turns out now that I'm living with Papa and Angel.

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