Reversing the pain of Mugen Train?

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   The first thing that Enmu Tamio thought after opening his eyes was "Where am I?"

   The second thing he wondered was "Wait a minute. I thought I died. Did I not...?"

   And that's when he turned to see a pair of golden owl-like eyes staring at him. Cue loud screeching. 

   "AAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH! WHAT THE HELL!" Enmu screamed, scrambling away from the man with hair the color of fire. 

   "Sorry, I was wondering where this is, so I wanted to ask you." The man stated in a firm, cheerful tone. 

   Enmu frowned. "Why the hell would I know, I literally just woke up here after supposedly dying!" He huffed. "Also, why would you ask a freaking demon moon, of all things? You're a hashira, shouldn't you know better?" 

   The hashira shrugged. "Well, you were the only familiar face around here." 

   Enmu's frown deepened. "Your argument is invalid." 

 "The fact that we are both still alive should be invalid too." replied the hashira. "And yet we are here." 

   Enmu's eyebrows shot up, his eyes widening. "Wait, did you die too?" He suddenly noticed the gaping hole in the man's chest. "Oh my god. Which demon did this to you?" 

   "The pink basketball-looking one." 

   "Huh- what?"

   "You know, the one wearing the Aladdin peasant jacket and having all those tattoos?" 

   Enmu's eyes lit up in recognition. "Upper Three?"

  "Yeah. Him." The hashira confirmed. 

   "Man, I hate that guy. He smells like rotten cheese. No wonder I smelt a twinge of icky during my dying moments." Enmu crossed his arms. 

   "Yeah? Imagine how it was like for me! The dude literally punched a hole through my chest, so the stench was unbearable!" The hashira strongly agreed. 

   "Eugh, disgusting. If I was to give myself my worst nightmare, it would be having to spend the day with Upper Three and his stinky feet." Enmu declared. 

   The hashira chuckled. "I like you. You're weird, but you're my kind of weird." 

   Enmu squinted. "Ey, that sounds kinda sus, like it's out of some x listener asmr or something." 



   "Anyways- do you want to stick together and try to figure out where the hell we are?" The hashira offered. "Since I'm pretty sure we ain't in our own world anymore." 

   "Eh, sure. I guess we don't have to be enemies anymore, huh?" Enmu smiled softly. 

   "Nope. Now, why don't we start again?" the hashira held out a hand. "My name is Kyojuro Rengoku." 

   Enmu took Kyojuro's hand and shook it warmly. "I'm Enmu Tami. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Kyojuro." 


   Well, things were certainly different here. For starters, Enmu did not burn in the sun, likely due to more convenience for the author. Enmu still had his demonic strength and blood art, though, which was essential for surviving in a world filled with magic users, as the duo had found out. This was even more important, as unfortunately, Kyojuro's sword did not follow him here, and so he could not use his flame breathing. He could use total concentration breathing to enhance his hand-to-hand combat, but this was largely ineffective against most magic users. So Enmu had to do most of the fighting - well, putting to sleep in his case. 

   However, the reliance on Enmu's abilities would likely soon prove to be problematic, if they encountered someone who was able to break out of Enmu's enforced slumber. Enmu also hadn't eaten in weeks, and his demon art and abilities were starting to weaken. They would have to find a safe haven to start learning magic, and fast. 

   Luckily, they happened to be in a town with a large magic guild. Kyojuro suggested that they go there to take shelter and maybe even earn a living. So off they went, heading towards the guild with the guidance of a map. 

   "You sure we're going the right way?" Enmu questioned his firey companion. "It feels like we're going in circles. 

   Kyojuro laughed. "Don't worry, my sense of direction is impeccable!" 

   "Didn't we just pass by this shop 5 minutes ago?"

   "Uhh... no. Maybe...? Yes." Kyojuro sighed in defeat. 

   Then, out the corner of his eye, Enmu spotted something... or rather, someone. "Is that..."

   Kyojuro's eyes widened. "Young Kamado?" he called. 

   The young slayer startled. "Haaaaaahhhh?" His eyes bulged out of his eye sockets. "Rengoku-san?"

   Said hashira chuckled heartily. "Yes, that is me!" 

   "Oh my god, I thought you DIED!" 

   "Indeed I did, but I have been magically revived!"

   With tears streaming from his eyes, Tanjiro cupped his hand to his mouth, revealing the teal guild mark stamped on the back of his hand.

   Kyojuro chuckled again. "I see you've joined a guild. May Enmu and I join as well?"

   Tanjiro smiled through his tears. "Sure!" And then the slayer seemed to properly register what the hashira had said. "Wait. WHAT?" Tanjiro's eyes nearly fell out as he noticed the lower moon standing beside Kyojuro. 

   "Hi." Enmu simply said. 


(A/N: Helloooo, it's been quite a while since I updated, sorry! I hadn't really had much inspo until now, but suddenly I had an idea of how to introduce my two favorite Demon Slayer characters, so here's a new chapter! It was pretty fun to write, especially the part where Kyojuro and Enmu discuss the subject of Akaza's stinky feet. Sorry not sorry, Akaza. 

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next chapter!)

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