part 7: the date

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(you arrive at an empty car park)
Y/n: where are we George

George:its a surprise, but we have a little walking to do

Y/n: thats fine (you take Georges hand and start walking)

George: how come I've never seen you around the paddock before with Lando

Y/n: this is the first ever gp weekend actually

George: ahh

George: do you trust me

Y/n: yh ofc i do why

George: then close your eyes we're almost at the location

(Y/n closes her eyes, while George leads y/n up a few more steps)

George: alright open

( y/n opens her eyes to see a beack with a beautifully layed picnic date under the evening sun)

(((((A/N PICTURE ABOVE 💖))))

Y/n: omg George this is beautiful

George: thx

(George grabs your hand again and leads you down the beack towards the picnic)

Y/n: you really didnt have to do this for me you now (blushing)

George: y/n Lando told me your whole backstory about Max and everything on the way to the hotel, i just want you to now that i would never hurt you ok

(You both sit down)

Y/n: oh (you start to frown)

George: y/n you now if we changed our pasts we both wouldnt be here now, or maybe never of even met eachother

Y/n: yh thats a good point

(You boh start eating)
(you both finish eating)
( you both lay back and watch as the sunsets)

George: y/n as the sun is setting i want to ask you something

Y/n: yh ofc go ahead

George: well do you ever think about your future

Y/n: yh almost all the time why

George: ok well can i ask you one more thing

Y/n: yh ofc go ahead

George: well i can't see my future without you in it sooo...

My love - George Russell/Mason Mount Where stories live. Discover now