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"Get out," you said, pushing Jotaro out of the room.
"How come?" he furrowed his eyebrows.
"I need to change Jotaro," you grumbled.
"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before."
"S-still. Get out," you yelled at him.
He suddenly turned to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"I'll be waiting outside," he said giving you a peck on your neck.
As soon as Jotaro was out of the room, you swore loudly in the room. You grumbled as grtting your belongings out of the cabin next to the bed, your face turning red. You swiftly changed your clothing, assuring that he wasn't peeking in the room. You made your way out, having your belongings in your hand. As soon as you got out of the room, Jotaro snatched your belongings, making you look up at him. He covered his face with his hat, "You're not fully recovered. I'll carry them."
"You do know you could've said that before you snatched 'em."
Jotaro said nothing but his catchphrase. You two walked over to the lobby to see Mr. Joestar, waiting for you two. It seemed as if he had been waiting for a few hours by then.
"Good evening Mr. Joestar," you said walking over to him.
"Evening. How's your body?"
"It's still in recovery but it's okay."
"You know that Jotaro have been worried bout-." He was cut off by Jotaro's angry gaze.
"Jotaro, no need to be all angry," you said patting Jotaro's arm.
"I just thought you might fall into coma," Jotaro said as he turned his head.
You raised an eyebrow, "Why though?"
"Because you're weak," he said, making you frown.
"Oi you little piece of shit," you fumed.
He just ignored you and walked off to the car Mr. Joestar brought to take you two back to the hotel. You just clenched your jaw and turned to Mr. Joestar.
"Should we head out now or is there someone we should wait for?" you asked with a sigh.
"We can head out. Already paid the bills," he gave you a wide grin as an assurance.
"Thank you for that Mr. Joestar," you said smiling back.
"We should head to Jotaro. He's gonna be majorly pissed off if we take too long."
You nodded, you did know that Jotaro gets pissed off by the smallest things every now and then. You walked over to the car to see Jotaro already standing in front of the door, waiting for you. Jotaro forced you to get on his lap during the ride, saying things like it is for safety purposes. You just rolled your eyes at his words.

The car ride went horribly, Jotaro has been trying to lean and give you pecks you every now and then. He seemed to be pissed off when you dodged him. Mr. Joestar thankfully got you two different rooms in the hotel, Jotaro seemingly disliking it. You threw yourself to the bed as Jotaro placed your belongings in your room. You rolled and turned to him, he was looking at you with that impatient look in his eyes. You soon read the room, he wasn't thinking of going to his room for the night.
"Jotaro, no," you said with a strict tone.
He looked at you with that evil smirk, summoning Star Platinum.
"Jotaro!" you screeched as you felt your life in danger.
"Don't worry I won't re-open the wounds," he said jumping in your bed.
You tried to get out of the bed but got stopped by Star, holding your arm tightly. Jotaro stopped time, pinning you down on the bed. As soon as the time resumed, you exactly know what his intentions were from the start he grabbed your belongings.
"I'm still recovering and my body can easily break, so please let me go," you gave him a stern look. Getting hospitalized again was the least thing you wanted.
Jotaro looked down at you, "You've really grown weak. Can't even trip me down."
You looked up at him, "Oi, I can trip you down. I just don't want to hurt you since we're uhhh.."
He leaned closer to you, "We're what?"
You pushed his face away, "Whatever. Get away from me you creep."
He looked at you, like a predator about to kill its prey. You gulped, it would really be a pain in the ass if he did the shit that he was thinking.
"Dolphin do you want to?" he asked, biting your neck.
"Get off of me," you said, pushing him off of you.
He raised an eyebrow, questioning if you were being serious about it.
"Jotaro, get the fuck off of me before I kick your ass," you said, cupping his cheeks.
He pouted, "I had to wait for days for you to wake up and recover. Can we please do it?"
You looked at him, he had that serious look. You looked away, flustered, "We're still young. We can do it when we grow up and all."
"You're still not ready."
You just quietly nodded. He got off of you, sitting on the side of the bed.
"Do you mind me staying for the night?" he asked, his voice lowered.
"Jotaro, we both need some rest. We're going to just annoy each other if we sleep together."
"I want to sleep next to you. I really missed you a lot when you were in coma."
You let out a short sigh, "Fine. I guess we can sleep together. Just for today though."
His expression changed, happy to hear that from you. You rested your back on the bed frame, trying to sit up.
"I forgot to tell you, but we're heading back to Japan after two days."
"I guess we could pay a visit to Kakyoin's then," you said, pulling the covers up to your chest. He frowned, "We can see him again when we go to school."
"His parents need to know what happened for almost two months."
He just rolled his eyes.
"Why don't you stay over until the winter vacation ends since we have to redo a year anyways," he said with a pout.
"I have my Uncle. I haven't seen him for months, at least let me pay a visit to him."
"And tell him that we're engaged?"
Your expression soon turned into flustered after hearing his words.
"No! We... we're not engaged."
Jotaro placed a hand on your cheek, "Do you want to be?"
"I- I don't know. Damn you Kujo."
Jotaro gently rubbed your cheek, you just looked at him, confused and flustered.
"You grew fatter while you were in hospital," he said, grabbing your cheek.
"Why you little-," you growled.
He smirked, enjoying the situation. You just sighed, there was no use trying to put common sense in his empty brain. He leaned to you, making you back up until your head was met by a bonk from the bed frame. Jotaro let out a short chuckle as he placed a hand behind your head, rubbing the place you just got hit.
"Be careful."
"Says the one who just tried to fuck me."
"Well, at least I didn't force you."
You just frowned at his words, not wanting to deal with his horny ass. Jotaro leaned closer to you, giving you a nib on your cheek, seemingly making fun of you getting fat.
"Oi, do you want your name carved on a gravestone?" you threatened, which he didn't pick up. He laughed at your words, "You can try Dolphin. Just know I won't go down without getting your v-."
You shrieked and covered his mouth, "Shut it you whore."
He summoned Star, covering your mouth as well. You just looked at him, annoyed. He soon chuckled and pulled Star away from you. You got your hand off of him. He made a small smile, enjoying the peace that he last felt in months.
"Relaxed?" you asked, letting Jotaro rest his head on your shoulder.
He hummed, wrapping his arms around you. You patted his head to soon feel more weight on you.
"Oi, move you're heavy," you said, trying to push Jotaro off, to realize that he fell asleep.
You narrowed your eyes, questioning if he was really asleep. You gently poked his cheek to receive nothing but some inaudible grumbles. You sighed and lied him down on your bed, you could hear his little groans as you moved his heavy body.

After you were done with him, you looked down at his sleeping face. It was so peaceful and calm.
"Seriously, how did you beat a vampire with that pretty face," you murmured, taking his hat away. As you were about to put the hat on the lamp desk, Star grabbed your arm.
"Don't take my hat (Y/n)," Jotaro said getting up.
"Oi you were awake you little piece of shit."
"My hat."
"No way I'm letting you sleep with your hat on."
Jotaro gave you a stern look. You just pulled your tongue out at him.
"Give my hat back Dolphin," he said with a yawn.
"Go to sleep Ocean Man," you said, placing the hat on the lamp desk. He grabbed you with Star then pulled you to the bed right next to himself. He covered you with blanket and smiled, "We can sleep like this."
"It's barely 3 pm, I'm not sleepy."
"Well I am."
"You can sleep on your own," you said trying to escape his grip.
"I need some company," he said as he closed his eyes.
"Why am I the one that needs to take care of you sleepy ass?" you grumbled, shifting to get in a comfortable position. You sighed and rested your head on the pillow.
"Fuck you Kujo," you said, closing your eyes.

Frenemies (Jotaro Kujo x Reader) pt. 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora