The Beginning

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Three beings of infinite power and possibility died. Their souls, having been pure, were given another chance at life. The three souls were reborn into a world where their help would be most needed.

A woman with golden curls and rosey-pink eyes was given an oracle by a fortune teller. The man had grabbed the woman and told her that her future would be great. He told her this;

"Sword, Dragon, Crown!

That is where your future lies.

Blood of the most divine will run through their veins and eyes like sapphires will shine.

From a love greater than time will they be born but one will die."

The woman took the oracle and held it close to her heart. As the woman was a dancer she traveled the world until she met a man with sapphire eyes.

It was then she knew what would happen. As time passed she fell in love with the sapphire eyed man. The man was Claude de Alger Obelia, Emperor of Obelian. The woman, Diana, knew she would bear his children but what worried her was that one of them would die.

Diana found out she was pregnant and she was beyond happy. She told Claude, who was just as excited as her. But terrible news came. Diana would die if she gave birth. She was to have triplets and because of their pure and powerful mana it was far too much for her body.

Claude went into a rage and begged Diana to kill the children eating away at her life but Diana denied him. She would give birth to her children and had asked Claude to love them as he had loved her.

Diana wanted Claude to treasure their children since they were her last gift to him before she left. Claude had begged her again to accept his request but again he was denied. Claude could only watch as Diana slowly died as their children grew.

When the time came for the children to be born Diana was so weak she almost couldn't give birth. The children slowly came and Diana lost far too much blood. Claude entered the room as she gave birth to their last child.

Three children were born with their mother's golden curls and their father's sapphire eyes. Claude looked at them with tears in his eyes before he hurried to Diana's side.

"What are they...?" Diana asked softly. Lilian York smiled sadly and answered, "Two girls and a boy, M'lady." Diana smiled happily as she said, "Athanasia shall be my lovely oldest, Alessandro shall be my brave second child, and Amaltheia shall be my gentle youngest." Claude couldn't say a word as Diana breathed her last and died.

Claude wept loudly as he held Diana's body close to his heart. "...goodbye my love...," Claude whispered softly before he turned to his children in the arms of maids. They looked like her and they even had his own features. He smiled weakly as he held his eldest, his Heir, Athanasia.

She looked up at her father with wide eyes as she reached out for him with her tiny hand. Claude let her grab his fingers and she squealed happily as she smiled at him. His heart bloomed with joy and love for the baby he held. He then turned to his only son, Alessandro.

The boy stared at Claude with curious eyes. He then grabbed his older sister's other hand and brought it to his face. Claude watched in amazement as his children interacted with each other. He then grabbed his youngest and the three snuggled together in Claude's arms.

Claude began to walk out but he paused. "They will be staying with me until their six birthday so prepare my room for them," Claude commanded before he left.

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