Say my name

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"This will be a good opportunity to showcase our products." Feng xin says.

"In my opinion, it's risky to showcase our newly produced products this early. The released samples are still under monitor for any side effects." Mu qing replied, expressing his disapproval of the idea.

Feng xin shot him a glare. And he glared back, rolling his eyes as he turned to look at the director sitting in the front.

The director cleared his throat. This is no rare occurrence in their meetings.

Officer Nan yang, Feng xin.

Officer Xuan zhen, Mu qing.

They're the top managers of their company. Despite opposing each others ideas often, if sentenced to work together they don't disappoint. Only presenting perfect proposals.

"Don't start arguing. That topic is not in the range of our meeting today. We'll end this meeting here." The director declared, piling up the documents neatly in his folder standing up. "Our sales raised. And our product outranked the rival company's latest release. Thanks to the teamwork of our two managers here." He said pertaining to Mu qing and Feng xin. "If you're not busy, let's have a celebratory dinner." The director finished, heading out the conference room followed by his secretary.

"NICE!" The officers all exclaimed at once.

"Good job you two!" Their colleagues cheered. Feng xin and Mu qing just chatted with their co workers for awhile before they headed out to their own departments.

"You'll go later right?" Jian lan asked, talking to Mu qing. She's also their co worker.

Mu qing just nodded as reply. "Great!" Jian lan chirped as she turned to leave the room. Mu qing also headed towards the door when he caught Feng xin in the corner of his eye looking towards his direction.

He turned to meet his eyes and raised his brows. Mouthing the word 'What?'

Feng xin just frowned and raised his middle finger before going out the door on the other side of the room.

Dumbfounded, Mu qing made a sour look with his face before heading towards his own department.

Mu qing stretched as he's finally done with his paperworks that're due today and rested his head on his two arms in a napping position.

Suddenly, someone knocked. Mu qing grunts as he peeked at the small clock on his table.


The knock sounded again and Mu qing sat upright. "Come in."

The door opened and Jian lan's head popped in. "Officer Xuan Zhen. Let's go!" She said while waving her hand in an inviting manner.

Mu qing nodded and grabbed his laptop bag and his phone.

Walking into the company's underground parking lot, he saw his coworkers crowding in the center chatting cheerfully.

"Oh look, Officer Xuan Zhen is here. We're complete now. Let's go to the nearest resto!"

And with that, each of them went to their own cars, light blinking everywhere with the cars being unlocked.

Multiple cars alredy left one after another when just then, Jian lan suddenly rushed out her car. "Wait! Sorry guys my gas ran out..." She said to the remaining officers that haven't got in their cars yet, scratching her face.

Mu qing, who just opened his driver's seat door, turned to look. He saw Feng xin also stopped from going in his car and looking at him with a frown, yet again.

Say My Name •Fengqing•TGCF•Heaven officials blessing•Where stories live. Discover now