10 most important facts to consider

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of installing solar panels for a home power plant, the main problems that the owner of a home photovoltaic installation will face

The creation of a photovoltaic system is a real opportunity to save energy costs in the long term (and in the case of a "green tariff", an opportunity to earn money). A brief overview of the pros and cons of solar panels will help you determine what the benefits of installing them will be, and what difficulties you may have to face. So:

5 benefits of a private solar power plant

• Firstly, the use of electricity generated by our own photo panels will allow us to consume less electricity from the public network, and thereby reduce the amount of utility bills. And with enough power in the home system, electricity generated from solar energy can also be sold.• Secondly, solar panels provide energy independence. There will always be electricity in a house or at an enterprise when the sun is shining in the sky (if you use additional batteries, then even in the dark).• Thirdly, the owners of solar power plants can count on support from the state (a wide variety of subsidies, benefits, in particular, the so-called "green tariff" is applied in Ukraine ).• Fourthly, the use of clean renewable solar energy for electricity generation can reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1350 kg only within one household.• Fifth, most photopanels are designed for more than 20 years of operation, during which the system requires minimal maintenance. This means that a home solar power plant does not need high operating costs.

5 disadvantages of a home solar station

• Firstly, the creation of a solar power plant is associated with high initial costs, on average for private households in Ukraine, depending on the power of photomodules, this is from about 6 thousand dollars per 10 kW to 25 thousand dollars per 30 kW (according to prices for 2021).• Secondly, the performance of photovoltaic installations is highly dependent on the weather. Short daylight hours, cloudiness, low sun height above the horizon in winter - all this reduces the efficiency of a solar power plant.• Thirdly, the vast majority of solar panels are designed for stationary installation. Therefore, when moving, it is unlikely that you will be able to take modules with you without negative consequences for them and without serious costs.• Fourthly, the installation and maintenance of solar power plants require the involvement of specialized companies. Therefore, especially in remote areas, owners of home photovoltaic systems may have difficulty accessing operational support.• Fifth, a lot of well-lit space is needed to accommodate solar panels. As a rule, to obtain 10 kW of electricity, it is necessary to cover about 50-60 square meters with modern photo modules.One way or another, the decision on whether to install or not install solar panels in your home is up to you, but it would not be superfluous to consult with specialists from a specialized company, because they can talk about "pitfalls", take into account the specifics of your particular case, will help you choose the best equipment and make the final choice

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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