Sneak Peak

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Main Characters~ 

Siddharth~ a mysterious guy with an odd mind set, balancing between his past and present, known for leaving people in utmost confusion, an intoxicated loner,  a twenty one year old trapped child at heart, egoistic to the brim people admire his out of the world personality. 

Reyansh~ hidden secrets, heavy desires, a young man fascinating women all around, rock hearted yet extremely Butterly fluttering throughout, a wise guy with major trust issues, his strengths and weaknesses are unknown to the world making him impossible to understand. 

Zainab~ talented with a touch of feminine magic, a smile of pearl, a touch of elegance, and a heart full of dreams and unquenched desires, if she wants something she bloody gets it, double faced and extremely social and outgoing, an absorber, and a complete angel in armour. 

Saisha~ is she depressed? hell yes, a closed heart with overflowing feelings trapped beneath, true love a voyage of self respect and happiness, anger uncontrollable, holds the capability of murdering one who points a finger, an emotional fool shown to no one, absolutely no one. 

Avneet~ an intellectual nineteen year old, has nothing to look forward too, she's fun and phobic, battling mental wars of why does she even exist, a gorgeous glow, with stunning style, clarified as trying to look cool, creates conflict, looks innocent and dumb but homes a dangerous devil enough to demolish the sigma ego. 

Location where they live and study~ Madrid, Spain. 



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Any Questions? 

who Is your favourite character?

Love Avni ♥

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