"I'm really sorry, I wish I could turn back the time. I hate myself for making you feel like that." He says.

"Me too. We're going to be here in two weeks, I hope you this time you keep you distance." I say and take a deep breath trying to get my feelings together. "Have a great evening Prince Arseni." I say and start walking back inside.

When I was back inside my eyes locked with Mom's and immediately I knew she knows something was up. Trying to ignore her, I searched for Quincy and I saw she was still with Eriks and I decided to join them. What else can I do?

I walk over to them and realised how close they are. Since I was still fuming, I grabbed Eriks' drink and gulped it down in one sip. Damn it was strong.

"Whoa there little missy. Have you ever even drank alcohol? That wasn't for beginners." He says.

"What are you guys talking about?" I say.

"You don't want to know that but I do want to know what you and Arseni were talking about. I let you go outside because I knew that's where he was." So he let my time to cool off get ruined?

"Nothing." I say still holding back tears when I felt something warm on my face. Tears. A damn tear.

"I think we should go talk." Quincy says pulling my arm, she muttered a goodbye to Eriks and he went the opposite way.

When we got to the quiet hallway, she first checked if ther was anybody around especially my brothers.

"Okay, who do I have to punch?" She says looking mad now too.

"Right now a hug will do." I say and she embraces me and a tight bear hug.

"You know if we talked to your Mom or your Dad we could catch the first flight to America tomorrow right?" She says rubbing my back.

"No, I don't want to leave. It wouldn't be fair to you." I say.

"Wynter this is not about me. It's about you, your happiness is my priority." She says giving me a kiss on the forehead. I don't know what I did to deserve someone like her or someone like him.

"Let's go ask where our rooms are so we could snuggle up and get ready to asleep." She says.

"And talk about you and Eriks all night?" I give her puppy eyes. She laughed and nodded.

"Okay." I say and she fixes my face to hide my tears.

"Now let's go to your parents." She says pulling my arm. She is like my mom too.

We walk to Mom and Dad who were now not only standing with the King and Queen but also some associates.

"Your majesties. I'm sorry for the disturbance but i-" Before Quincy finishes one of the people I don't recognize disturbed her.

"Oh how dreadful of a disgusting vampire to speak up to us like this!" The woman's pale skin and brown hair was curled and put to one side of her face. Who does she think she is?

"I urge you to watch your words lady Baranov. The vampire happens to be my niece and is no threat to you." Mom says looking straight into her eyes as if challenging her to say more.

I watch the lady and see she was taken aback by mom's outburst.

"Is everything okay Quincy?" Dad asks but Quincy's words don't come out so I had to save her.

"What my friend meant to say father is that we would like to call it a night." I say.

"Oh, of course." Queen Sophia says looking around until her eyes settle on someone. "Nikita dear, would you come here please." Nikita?

The woman who makes me question my sexuality presents herself again. She was in a lovely silver silk dress that was holding her in all the right places showing off all of her curves.

"Your Majesties, Lady and Sir Baranov, Sir Agafanov. How can I be in your service?" She says giving a little curtsey which made me feel guilty. Should we have curtseyed too?

"Would you kindly take Princess Wynter and her friend to find their rooms, please?" She says.

"Follow me ladies." She says turning. I say my goodnight to everyone and start following her.

When we went up a few steps she turned and gave me a huge bear hug.

"I am so glad you're here! And for two weeks!" She says. She then grabs Quincy and hugs her too.

"I'm Nikita by the way." She says after letting her go.

"Quincy or do you know me already?" Quincy replies.

"Yeah you didn't seem to like Lycans. Except Eriks of course." She winks causing her to blush like crazy. We continue to walk.

"You guys are going to love your rooms and don't worry about your luggage, it's already here." She says.
"Let's have a little girl time, Alyona and Viktor are done doing the dirty anyway. He knocked the alcohol out of her." TMI!

"Wait and is Mila coming?" Quincy asks.

"I don't think so, haven't seen her all night. She probably met a hot guy." She says like it's a normal thing. Speaking of which, I haven't seen Autumn all night either. Suspicious. Oh what the heck, they are together.

"So princess huh? I knew there was more to you two than you led on. The vampire girl was obviously a princess but I don't think anyone else knows here. And refrain from getting mad quickly and showing your eye colour. You don't want them to know you're Holden Black's daughter. He might have not done anything but his whole species has been a threat to Lycans and wolves for centuries. You're here because of the King and Queen." She rambles.

We walked until we reached our rooms. They were beautiful, Golden even, literally. I think I'm going to like this place. It's a little confusing though, I won't lie. Part of me wants to see what Arseni's room is like but I ruined that chance already.

Hey love bugs! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm feeling a little sick so I don't have time to edit the chapters but I definitely will soon.

Stay happy. Xoxo

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