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       lime cookie sat upside-down on the couch, her feet over the backrest and her head hanging off the front, staring at the seemingly upside-down coffee table in front of the couch as her pigtails rested on the floor. she was wearing something much more comfy and casual than her usual swimsuit, just a simple skirt and a sweater. she sat there waiting absent-mindedly, almost getting to the point she fell asleep when she suddenly heard the sound of the doorknob turning. she scrambled to sit up immediately, looking towards the door ready to run and hug the cookie she assumed would be on the other side.

       indeed, her assumption was correct and orange cookie walked into the house before setting aside her tennis racquet and ball and stretching a bit, exhausted after a casual game of tennis at the park. she took off her visor and set it aside before suddenly feeling lime practically tackle her from behind into a hug.

       "YOU'RE HOMEE!! i've been waiting so long, i counted all the days on the calendar even though i already knew how many there were and then after that i tried to make lunch but it didn't work out quite right so i microwaved something instead and then after that i-"

       orange had shut her up with a kiss, which she quickly melted into and leaned close to her without a shred of hesitation. after a couple seconds orange pulled away and giggled, whispering something as she wrapped her arms around her waist. "ehehe... i missed you.."

       "mmhh... me too.... i started missing you before you even lefttt..." she had her arms wrapped around orange's body just under her arms, digging her face into her neck and muffling her last few words.

       orange could feel the warmth of lime's blushing against her neck, and relished the moments of silence while they were there. eventually lime pulled away and rested her chin against orange's chest, looking up at her with a lovesick smile and hearts in her eyes.

       "okay, i think that's enough for now.. we can keep doing this later, ehehehe... c'mon, i can make us lunch!" orange pulled away only to grab her hand and bring her towards the kitchen.

       lime clung to her like glue even while she was cooking, watching everything she did but more focused on orange herself. she only pulled away to let orange sit down, then sat in the seat right across from her at their tiny dining room table and bounced in her seat, seemingly excited to eat—or to be with orange—or even both.

"you're really excited, huh? ehehe.. you're adorable..." orange put her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand as she looked over at lime, who couldn't seem to take her eyes off of her.

"mmmmhh,,, yes... i love you, orange.." she had her head in both of her hands, her cheeks bright pink as she stared with a lovesick smile.

she blushed a bit herself now, reaching across the table to grab lime's hand and intertwining their fingers, which lime quickly reciprocated. "i love you too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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" sublime " orange cookie x lime cookie fluffWhere stories live. Discover now