Chapter 11

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-12:30 in the morning-

You, Rindou, Ran, Sanzu, and Mikey are waiting for Sandra to wake up because she was sleeping and the doctor said she has a cold and she is stress because of walking

Sandra doesn't walk yet

And then Sandra woke up amd cried causing you and the boys woke up and you carried Sandra

"its ok, its ok mi amor"


"slightly...." You said and Sandra Cried more because of the shout

"look Sanzu you made our niece cry" Ran said

"im sorry ok?! I didn't mean to" Sanzu said

"brother can you please carry Sandra Im just gonna get her bag so thet I can change her clothes" you said

"ok" Mikey said and take Sandra from you

"oi Y/n why didn't you let me carry Sandra? Im her father" Sanzu said

"so what? You're not the one who gave birth to Sandra" Ran said causing Sanzu to piss of

"so what? I am the father and you guys are just her uncles" Sanzu said pissed off

After you get Sandra's clothes you came back and saw them fighting

"what the frick is happening here?!" Y/n said

"Why didn't you let me carry Sandra?" Sanzu said

"Im sorry k? Mikey let Sanzu carry Sandra" Y/n said pissed off

Sanzu Ran Rindou and Mikey knowing that you are pissed off he got scared because of how Y/n is scary (more scarier than Mikey when he has Dark Impulsive)

Mikey gave Sanzu the Baby he was carrying and Sanzu gave Sandra to you

You go to the bathroom while the others are crying because of how scary you are

You came back from the bathroom and they saw Sandra sleeping

"here can you carry Sandra? Sanzu Im tired" as you give Sanzu the baby

"yeah sleep well mi amor"

Then you go to sleep


End of the chapter 11

Btw guys I was thinking of Sandra's birthday this coming April 28 my mothers birthday I want to make it April 28 because I want to make my mom feel special to me so I made it my moms birthday can you guys wish her a happy birthday at April 28? Its ok if you guys do not want to im not a type of girl who force someone so yeah... Hehe

Your author Chloe/Zei❤️

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