Part 10 : last chance

Comenzar desde el principio

"I didn't touch any girls , we went to a club and a girl literally jumped on me , I didn't do anything" you said in a low voice

"Aight man if you say so , I mean you were with Izana I doubt he would let you get down with anyone"

As soon as you re-entered the house and got to the living room you saw Izana eating some breakfast made by Ran (sponsored by Chef Ran)

Izana didn't say anything he just stared at the two of you , Rindou let go of you and you fell down

"You are an imbecile, can't even hold yourself properly" Rindou said looking down at you

"At least give me a warning before dropping me idiot" you said getting up and punching his shoulder

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" he was holding his shoulder still whining in pain

You just ignored him and went to sit besides Izana

"Morning sleeping beauty" you gave him a smile , you liked annoying the albino

Kakucho face palmed himself

Rindou was having a wide grin on and Ran was barely holding back his laugh

Talk about that where is Koko?

"Huh Where's Koko?" You asked looking around

"He went up to meet up with someone,  who knows he has his own business" Kakucho said resuming his breakfast

"(Y/n) we got some business going on later , come with us since you seem pretty bored" Ran said putting a plate in front of you

Izana still hasn't said anything , he was laying his head on the counter with his eyes closed

You slightly pat his head "Yea I'm coming Izana looks like he is still tired" you spoke still looking at the albino

"What even did he do to get so tired he constantly sleeps" Rin asked resting his elbows on the counter next to Izana

"Last night he took care of me till 3 AM he had some business for about 2-3 hours , leave him alone" you said in a raspy voice practically threatening the younger Haitani to mind his own business

"Right jee sorry" Rin said raising his arms in defeat


Later you got dressed in some comfortable clothes (I leave it up to your liking and imagination) and then left with the Haitani's , Izana was sitting in his room doing God knows what

"So where are we going?" You asked them as they were leading the way

"Ain't you one to miss your blonde friend?" Ran said with a smile on his face

"Which blonde friend Ran , I know quite the load of blondes" you said giving him a weird look

"There is a reason we didn't ask Izana to come along" Rindou said keeping his head forward

Then it hit you , the only blonde that Izana would hate to see to the point he would kill's Mikey

"Manjiro?" You asked looking at Ran

The male just nodded continuing his way

"Since Izana doesn't want the alliance going on we have to break it so , we decided to ask you to come along" Ran said giving you a look

"You don't want me to tag along , you need me to break it , I'm the one who initiated it" you said in a low voice , you aren't stupid to not see through their lies

Rindou only smiled while Ran giggled "We can't lie to you huh?" Rindou asked stopping in his way

"No you can't,  come on let's go" you said pulling him by his clothes

Never had meet (Izana Kurokawa x Male!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora