Chapter 13: Meeting Halfway

Start from the beginning

"I don't know about that Beck", Robbie asks.

"Get out of your comfort zone Rob, and just take a leap of faith", Beck says, "It has to be something out there you can try".

"Well actually, I was just offered a chance to play a part in the Wizard of Oz Broadway Play", Robbie says.

"Well there you go!", Beck says.

"But Idk, that's Cats thing", Robbie says, "I don't want to step on her toes".

"Well if this is something you're interested in doing, I think Cat will be extremely excited about you being on Broadway", Beck says.

Robbie smiles and nods.

Across town Trina meets with Audrey's Father Andrew. They decided to meet at a Cafe downtown. Trina walks in and sees Andrew sitting reading a news paper. She takes a deep breath and sits down in front of him.

"Trina", Andrew says not looking up from the paper.

"Andrew", Trina replies.

"Are you gonna tell me why you called me here", Andrew says.

"Are you gonna show some respect and look me in my face", Trina says.

"I'm listening, isn't that enough", Andrew says.

Trina snatches the newspaper and throws it on the floor.

"No, it's not enough, it's never enough, you never do enough, all you know is work and spoiling our daughter", Trina says.

"What's wrong with giving my daughter the world", Andrew says.

"Nothings wrong with it, but if you're only giving her everything she wants and not spending quality time with her it can hurt her down the road", Trina says.

"So what do you want from me", Andrew asks.

"I want you to meet me halfway, we have to be in this together, for Audrey", Trina says.

"Oh so what, you want to get back together?", Andrew asks.

"Oh god no", Trina says, "But I do want you to take her to London with you on your Law Firms trip next week".

"Why?", Andrew asks.

"Well one because it's your daughter and I'm sure she would enjoy London, but two because her birthday is the day after you get back from the trip and if I want to surprise her she can't be here", Trina says.

"Yeah, that girl is so smart she knew what I was getting her for Christmas in March", Andrew jokes.

Trina laughs.

"Oh look, she does smile", Andrew says.

"I smile all the time, but when I'm around you it just fades away", Trina says standing up.

"Wait", Andrew says trying to stop her, "You don't want to join me for a cup of coffee?".

Trina hesitates then sits back down.

"I guess, but only for one cup", Trina says, "We need to discuss more of this London trip anyway".

Over at Jade's house, Jade is in the kitchen helping her mom cook.

"I'm surprised you offered to help", Jade's mom says.

"Yeah, well, Cat wanted us to help her with her audition but she wanted to run through 3 whole sets so we all made excuses to leave", Jade says.

"And yours was?", Jade's mom asks.

"That I had to go home and cook for my family", Jade says.

"But you're a terrible cook", Jade's mom says.

"Yeah, that's what she said", Jade says.

Suddenly one of the twins mocks Jade.

"That's what she said", Jason says.

"Go back in the living room Jason", Jade's mom says, "We don't want you picking up on that saying".

Jade laughs. Just then the doorbell rings. Jade walks to open the door. Tori stands outside in the rain.

"I need your help", Tori says.

"Tori get in here, it's pouring down", Jade says.

Tori runs inside, Jade closes the door behind her.

"Did you walk over here", Jade asks.

"Kinda, I took a cab for three blocks because that's all I could afford and I walked the last two blocks", Tori says.

"God you really need your license", Jade says.

"You know I'm afraid of driving", Tori says.

"Well what do you need?", Jade asks.

"A towel", Tori says.

"Why?", Jade asks.

"Because I'm wet", Tori says.

"That's what she said", Jason says running past.

Tori and Jade drop their mouths open and burst out laughing. Jade goes to the closet and pulls out a towel for Tori.

"Thank you", Tori says taking the towel and wiping herself down.

"Now tell me why you're really here", Jade says.

"Well I don't know if you heard but I may have a shot at record deal, all I have to do is write a great song", Tori says.

"That's amazing", Jade says, "But what does that have to do with me?".

"Well, I'm a terrible writer and Andre went to Club Avalon to meet with Beck and talk", Tori says.

"Good", Jade says, "But I'm still not sure what you want from me!".

"Well, I have writers block, and I need some help writing this song", Tori says.

"I don't know Tori", Jade says.

"Please", Tori says.

"I'm cooking for my kids", Jade says.

Tori raises her eyebrow.

"Ok fine, I'll help you", Jade says.

"Yayy", Tori says.

"But let me get you some dry clothes, because you're not sitting on my furniture soaking wet", Jade says walking away.

Tori follows her to the back.

Back at Club Avalon, Beck and Robbie sit patiently waiting for Andre. Suddenly a waitress walks Andre over to the table. Robbie slides over and sits in the middle so Beck and Andre can face each other.

"Hiya Andre, thanks for showing up", Robbie says.

Andre doesn't say anything instead he just stares at Beck, who stares back at him not smiling.

"Is there anything you two would like to say", Robbie asks.

"I want a honest apology", Beck says.

"And I want a job a Columbia Records, oh wait I already have that, just like you have already recieved the only apology you're gonna get", Andre says.

"And this is gonna be a long night", Robbie says, "Waiter can you bring me a shot of liquor".

"Bring me two", Beck yells.

"Bring me three", Andre says.

"At this point just bring the bottle", Robbie says.

To Be Continued......

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