2. the wedding

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I woke up at 12:30 pm immediately sayori got me in a salon to do my hair my hair was fairly thick so they started to trim my hair and condition ( 1 hour later) my hair was done

I saw my father walk into the salon "oh there's my daughter!" He said with a obvious fake smile he hugged me for the first time In 4 years I awkwardly hugged him back

he told the person who was putting on my corset for my dress something and left to get the tables ready "hey miss Tomi your father told me to pull your corset all the way so you can look skinny for the wedding is that okay with you?" She asked I said no considering I was going swimming the next week

I sat there sad considering I turned 23 last month and my family already were getting me married , sayori helped put on my skirt on we arrived at the venue it was 3:35 pm and I was getting crystals put on my face and finally the veil it was time the music started I was almost gonna cry of sadness I knew I was never gonna talk to my parents after this

I walked down the isle with my dad as everyone looked at me including hisoka I sucked in my stomach walking faster wanting this to end as fast as it can my dad sat down next to my mom

        For like 5 minutes the priest was saying stuff I didn't even understand till finally said "does anyone not agree with these two together?" He said a silence was heard for about 30 seconds

"okay Hisoka Morrow will you take Y/n Tomi as your lawfully wedded wife" he asked "yes of course" hisoka said "y/n Tomi would you take Hisoka Morrow as your lawfully wedded husband" "yes" "do you both of you agree to be together till death do us part. "


we both said "okay you may kiss the bride" Hisoka lifted my veil and kissed me there it was settled I was married the ring barrier brought us our rings

I put it on I put a smile on as cameras starting flashing I mean one of the richest hunters daughter getting married to Hisoka Morrow a viscous assassin and hunter that's gonna be news to see

after a hour we went to go cut the cake I didn't even know what flavor it was I just knew it was three layers I cut open the cake it was red velvet

sayori planned my wedding obviously my parents know literally nothing about Me I could ask what my favorite color is and they wouldn't know

after we had our first dance and ate we opened gifts and left to the hotel it was cold in there I took off my dress in the bathroom took out all the pins and everything I went for a warm shower did my skincare and fell asleep next to my now husband

(4 hours later) I felt a something rudely poke at my thigh I turned my head to a sweaty Hisoka as red as a ripe apple was he-

I checked the time it was 3:30 am he looked so- no y/n what the hell are you thinking I said in my head I tried to fall back asleep but the thought of him just slamming me down onto the bed and just making me his little sl-

  Made me so fucking wet

(Hisoka pov) I had one of my hands on y/ns bare stomach as she was wearing a gray crop top and shorts the other hand under her thighs till I felt her hand move to her thighs

I immediately knew what she was doing I looked at her face I wanted to see every little face she did she started putting one of her fingers in she bit her lip

   (Y/n pov) I furrowed my eyebrows focusing on my pleasure I started fingering myself

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