"Hey!" You started, irritated. "Get yo-"

Then she slapped Hunter. "Wake up!" She snapped.

He woke up quick enough and you held back a smile. The look on his face, though. 

You snorted and Hunter saw Luz. "Wha- YOU!"

She put her hand over his mouth. "SHH!" She shushed him. "You two are bad people!" Luz started glance at you and Hunter. "And I do not like either of you!"

"Ouch, man, no need to get so aggressive," You said, crossing your arms, pretending to be in pain.

Luz glared at you before turning to Hunter again. "BUT,  Kikimora is trying to kill you two and unfortunately, I'm too nice to let that happen."

It's quiet for a few seconds before Luz pulled her hand away abruptly. "BLUGH- ARE YOU LICKING MY HAND?!" She exclaimed disgusted. "I'm trying to help you guys!" 

She shoved her hand in Hunter's face, making you burst out laughing as Hunter shoved his hand back at Luz's face, pushing her away. "Why should I believe you?!" Hunter exclaimed angrily.

You held your stomach giggling because they are acting so much like siblings.

They got into this shoving-face fight when you hear a loud growl. You broke the up. "Shut up!" You hissed.

It goes quiet as they looked around.

Kikimora's monster came between the trees and you widen your eyes, frozen. Why are you freezing up at the sight of this monster? 

You cursed yourself mental. Move!  You tell your feet. Run!

You felt warm in your hand and a big yank in your arm. Hunter had jumped up, grabbing your hand and pulled you with him, Luz leading the way.

The monster reached where you would have been and found Hunter's left behind cloak. You should ditch yours, too...

You pulled off the cloak, throwing it to the side before Luz continued on, making Hunter pull you with him.

You walked through town, looking around curiously. Luz ended up following you and Hunter instead of the other way around. Hunter's hand held your firmly and you could tell he didn't trust Luz to be around you.

Which was understandable. After what happened on the ship. Fucking hell, Y/n, why didn't you use your fancy magic on Luz?

But did Hunter really have to hold your hand? Not that you were complaining; obviously you held his hand back happily. You still wondered. 

You glanced back at Luz who was smirking at you two. You looked at Hunter, whose face looked stormy.

She caught up with you guys and let out a breathy sigh. "Woo, man, Kikimora must hate you!" Luz said trying to make conversation. 

Hunter squeezed your hand and you got the message: Don't interact with the human. I'm angry.

He reminded you of that meme, 'no talk me, im angy' 

You decided not to push it, and swung your connected hands back and forth, ignoring the human and smiling because Hunter seemed to relax at the gesture. You thought you saw a small smile, but it vanished when Luz spoke again.

"Whoa. I haven't been out of Bonesborough that much...Latissa is cool-"

Hunter made an abrupt turn and Luz protests. "Wha- HEY!" She complained. She caught up with you two. "Where are you guys going?"

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