Can An Evil Genuis Crash On Your Couch For A Few Days?

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It was late at night and you, Sonic, and Tails were at Tails' shack for the night. You were passed out on the couch, Tails was on another and near your couch, there was Sonic asleep. There was a lot of bickering, but you fought for your spot on the couch and Sonic finally agreed to sleep on the floor. 

There was a storm outside, and it was windy. Some branches hit the windows. 

Durning your slumber, you heard faint knocking. It soon got louder, but not loud enough to wake you up. Sonic, on the other, wasn't so lucky, seeing how he let out a snort as he awoke. Hearing the knocks on the door was much clearer. He groaned, standing up and zipping to the door. And he was displeased when he saw the face of Eggman. 

"Hi!" He introduced in a cheery voice.

"What do you want?" Sonic asked, tired as heck seeing how it's 4 in the morning. "First of all," Eggman began. "Thank you for answering the door at such a late hour. I realize what an inconvenience this must be"

"Get to it, Eggface!" Sonic snapped.

"Well, I need your help!"

"You need my help?"

"Yes! My sinister island lair, ya know, the ultra-tech stronghold where I hatch my diabolical schemes to eliminate you." Sonic's eyes narrowed as he looked t Eggman. "It was destroyed in the storm. I was hoping I could...crash with you and Tails for a few days until my robots rebuild it? Please! Don't strand me out in this wilderness." He begged at Sonic's feet. Sonic let out an annoyed sigh. 

"Well, you could certainly use a roof over your head," Sonic said, before taking a whiff and making a cringe face. "And a bath."

Glaring at the mustachio man, he cocked an eyebrow up. "But how do I not know you won't capture me, Tails or Y/N while were asleep?" He asked, and Eggman gave the blue hedgehog a questioning look. "Who's this Y/N?" 


You could be seen walking over to the door with your baggy eyes as you rubbed them, yawning. "I'm Y/N." You said in your tired voice. Eggman looked at you up and down, before saying. "I promise I will not harm you, your fox friend, nor this 'Y/N' girl. I didn't even bring any weapons. Here, check my pants." He offered, but Sonic stopped him in an instant. "No, no, no. It's okay. I believe you. But it's only for a few nights and it's just you?" Asked Sonic, and Eggman nods. "Just me!" Now he walks in with..... two of his robots, one cube-shaped and one sphere-shaped. The cube one was yellow and the sphere one was red, and they both walked in behind Eggman. 

"And Orbot and Cubot of course. They're family."

Sonic snarls as he slammed the door shut, having the risk of waking Tails. But luckily he was sound asleep. "This is gonna be a loooooong week." You grumble, heading back to your couch with Sonic following close behind.


The next morning came and the sunlight shone from the windows of Tail's shack. You woke up to the sound of Sonic opening the front door and the voice from three other mobains, two girls and one male. Opening your eyes you saw a pink hedgehog, just like Sonic nut a bot shorter, but she had shorter quills. She had emerald eyes and wore a red and white dress. Again, more gloves were worn on her hands and some bandages were worn on her torso.

The second one was tall, red and white with white bandages wrapped around his lower arms as well around his gloves. And he had bright red long locks that seem to flow more than Sonic's quills.

The last one was what you assumed was a badger with the colors brown and orange which was shown with some bright blue eyes. It also wore Hawaiin-ish clothing, and they were the only animal that was not wearing gloves!

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