Just as he walks away, a hologram appears in front of the group, ready to present some research going on in the lab.

"You guys can just gather around here." Aubrey tells the teens.

Just as the hologram begins presenting, she catches Peter trying to sneak off, catching him before he can get far.

"Hi." she says with a grin, causing him to turn around. He clears his throat, not saying anything. "Where you goin' Rodrigo?"

"Oh yeah." he says breathily, with an identical grin, looking down at the badge on his jacket.

"What are you doing here?"

"I work here. I don't work here. I was gonna say I work here, but it seems that you in fact work here so you know that I don't in fact work here." he rambles, completely stumbling over his words.

There it is again.

"You following me parker?" she asks, grinning a bit wider.

"No, I'm not following you." he laughs. "I'm not, I had no idea you worked here."

"Then why are you here?" she giggles.

"I snuck in because I..." he starts, Aubrey raising her eyebrows at him, encouraging him to continue. "I love science."

"You love science." she says amusedly, not buying his excuse.

"I'm passionate about it, actually." he says. "So I snuck in."

"So you snuck in." she says quietly. "I have to go help Gwen, so we will talk about this later. Don't get me in trouble." she says, pointing a finger at him.

"I won't." he says with a cheeky smile.

"Stay with the group." She walks back to stand next to Gwen as they finish off explaining some research.

The girls go about the rest of the tour, Aubrey realizing right away that Peter had disappeared.

He better not do anything stupid.

She decided that she would stop by his house later to talk to him more about it, but by the end of the tour, she just wanted to get home and put on some comfy clothes.

Though her plan was to go see Peter that day, she ended up falling asleep before she could even change out of her clothes.

It wasn't until early the next morning that she woke up, confused as to when she fell asleep.

She decided she might as well start her day early, so she got up and showered.

After getting ready, she thought maybe now she'd go to peters.

When she stepped outside, she was surprised to see the boy sitting on the roof of his front porch.

What the heck?

"Peter?" she shouted, walking across the street towards the house.

He quickly looked up from what he was doing, hearing his name being called.

"Peter, what are you doing?" she asks with a laugh once she reaches the house.

"Homework." he says, giving her a shy smile.

"On the roof."

"On the roof." he repeats.

Just then, Peter's Uncle Ben emerges from the house.

"Peter, what're you doin up there?"

"Homework." the two teens say to the older man in unison.

"Oh, hello Aubrey." he says sweetly to the girl. "You didn't tell me you were having company, Peter."

"I didn't know I was." he said jokingly.

"I was just stopping by to talk to Peter for a few minutes. About a school thing." she says sweetly to the man.

"Ah got it. I'll leave you kids to it." he nods. "Peter, be careful." he says as he disappears into the house.

"So..." Peter starts.

"Where'd you go?" she starts, getting straight to the point. He looks at her, feigning confusion. "Yesterday. You disappeared."

"Oh yeah, I uh, I had to get home. Aunt May needed help with something in the house."

"Oh, I see." she says, not convinced. "Well I guess I'll leave you to your homework then. Maybe I'll go in and say hi to Aunt May." she teases.

Peter stills for a second, but relaxes once he sees she's only joking.

"Bye, Peter."

"Bye." he says quietly.

a/n: hiiiiiiiii chapter two after literally a year....


i haven't been able to watch the movie to write with it bc i cannot keep renting it and my dad didn't wanna buy it for me. buttt its on disneyplus now so i can watch and write. definitely expect more updates from this book in the next few weeks.

anyway i rly don't know why im writing this, i don't think this book has any readers. to whoever reads this whenever--hiiiiiii

ok bye:)))

i know your name | peter parker x ocWhere stories live. Discover now