The Plan

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Miriam's Pov:

We got the plan but we need more help so I thought about asking Y/n. "Hey guys I think I know this person that can help us!" I said. "Really who?" Mei said. "Well it's a friend I haven't introduced yet 😅 but they are not at this school. They are at the other school but isn't far away."

"Alright then, let's go!" Mei yelled. Then after school, we all went to Y/n's school and they are about to get outside of school so I ran up to them. "Hey Y/n!" I yelled. "Miriam what are you doing here?" Y/n asked. "I wanted to tell you something." "Sure what is it?"

"Okay so-" but someone cut me off. "Ooo~ looks like Y/n brought their girlfriend~ HAHAHA" a random kid said. "Let's just go" Y/n said. As we walked Abby, Mei, and Priya introduced themselves.

I then come close to Y/n and whispered to their ear, "why didn't you tell me you got bullied?" "Well I wasn't really your business really-" Y/n whispered back but I cut them.

"Well it is!" I whispered loudly. Then we made it to school and we told them the plan. "Alright, so what I can do to make more money is bring the merchandise to my school and maybe they will buy them." Y/n said. "Okay! Then we will start tomorrow!" Mei said. "Okay, it's getting late so byeeee!" Abby yelled. Then we all left.

Y/n's Pov:

As me and Miriam were walking back, Miriam kept looking at me so looked at them back. "What's going on now?" I said. "I don't know why didn't you tell me." Miriam confessed. "Well I'm sorry, it's not a big deal though-" "It is! You are my friend! And I need to protect you!" Miriam yelled. I stopped Miriam and hugged her, "Look, I'm sorry. I'll tell you stuff next time."

She then hugged me back then we both let go and kept walking. Then we stopped and went our separate ways back out house.

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