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Falling For The Surrogate

Hugh Sterling

It's been a week since the revelation that Tommy was Normani's son as much as he was mine and Ever since then I couldn't help but see her in a different light the more I stared at Tommy the more I began to notice some resemblance between them for one his hair which should have given it away in the beginning was a mass of curls,the same as his mother's.

His mother

Yeah that sounded more than right

Only I haven't told anyone else including my mother Noah or even Normani.

I had decided that I was going to have a serious conversation with Alexandra but that seemed a hard task as she has been more than scarce these days

I had called her a bunch of times today and it's all being going to voicemail and if that didn't give away the fact that she'd been avoiding me I don't know what would.

So now I was on my way to her location one which I had gotten by using a tracking app which She had installed in both our phones a while back at the time it had seemed a trivial thing to do but now I could see how useful it was.

Thank you Alexandra

I say with a smile as I came to a stop in front of a building her car was parked by the side along with the other one who I had no idea belongs to

What was she doing in a motel was this were her first shoot was taking place I couldn't help but ask myself

As I made my way inside

Two receptionist stood by a counter a blond and a brunette as I spoke to them "hello I'm here for Alexandra"I tell them

"Umm hello sir are they expecting you" the blond one replied shyly weren't blonds always bold

They,who's They

"What are you doing don't you know who he is..

The other one whispered although I could still hear her as the blond turned to her a look of confusion in her face it seemed she had no clue "he's her husband

At this her expression changed from confusion to surprise and then worry "Urm...sir do you mind if I ring her up to let her know you're here"the brunette spoke this time around fidgety it was obvious they were hiding something otherwise why hadn't I been given her room number "there will be no use for that I'd already called to let her know I'd be coming" I told them keeping my face straight with a reassuring smile to help convince them


The ring of the landline disrupted whatever it is she was going to say as she pice it up with shaky hands

"Miss A.....a bottle of red wine and ice of course"

I didn't let anything give away the fact that I had discovered the room she was in or I knew that she wasn't alone and something was fishy Instead I just said "I'll just have to find out from your manager what room my wife is staying now" I told them as I walked down the hall way heading for the stair way cause I knew if I took the elevator that will give them more than enough time to figure out that I knew what they were hiding and they'll no doubt alert Alexandra or miss A as they'd called her

"Mr Hugh that is not necessary" the brunette was already calling for me but I'd already left

Room 56 it read as I knocked waiting patiently for her to open "it's high time you arri......what the

The bastard didn't get to close the door in time as I used my left foot to block the doorway

"Klein why the noise.... she couldn't finish her sentence as she stared at me her expression lost

"What a party we have going on here" I tell them taking in the sight of roses on the floor along with the food and empty wine bottle and glasses

"More is coming I'm guessing" I say to both of them letting my eyes roam their appearance Klein stood there in his underwear while Alex was clad in a robe
It seems she'd been about to take a bath

"And why wasn't I invited....I mean I'm the husband and you here my friend you're the good for nothing manager...the bastard who's screwing my wife"

"Anyways I think I need a bit of privacy with my wife she has a whole lot of sins to confess it seems"

" it's not what yo....

"Save it...that's not the reason I'm here but now it seems it's becoming one of the reasons"I tell her with a frown watching as her eyes grow moist

"And why are you still here fool" I say to the bastard

"I'm picking my stuff"

"Do that fast and when you done go pick your other stuffs for you're fired" I tell him with no pause

"What you can't do that I don't work for you...

"Who are you kidding I hired you.... at the expression on his face it seemed he was ignorant to that fact which made me regret not firing him all those years ago "and before you say I didn't, get this first Alexandra signed a contract with my company which means she works for me and you...moron you signed a contract with Alexandra, but she'd already given over her managerial rights to me that was the agreement in the contract I choose her manager"

I let that fact sink in before continuing
"and if you still don't understand...I'm telling you that I hired you..... from the very beginning
Although now I'm starting to regret that fact"

"Now get lost.." I told him Sternly

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