Chapter One, Gwen's Sudden Inheritance

Start from the beginning

Upon the sun rising high over the Scottish snowy mountains Gwen stirred upon the floor groaning in discomfort. As Gwen blinked her bleary eyes she heard two pops within the room and distant cries of her name that sounded vaguely familiar, like they were from Dobby and Tally.
"Mistress! Mistress! Mistress Gwen! Mistress Guinevere!" Dobby and Tally squealed worriedly.
"I'm okay." Gwen muttered groggily, easing her sore body up off the floor into a sitting position, facing two of her worried house-elves offering them a reassuring smile. "Tally, could you please get me some parchment and ink. I need to send an urgent letter to my account manager at Gringotts.

There was a block on my magic and I want to find out why it wasn't discovered the first time. Dobby, could you please run me a bath." Gwen requested, as she eased herself into a standing position stretching with a sigh of relief as all her joints popped after an uncomfortable sleep on the floor. Tally and Dobby gasped in horror at that news and rushed to do her bidding. They had doubts due to the amount of power surge the night before but to hear it confirmed that such an abhorrent practice had been put into place on their Mistress, made them and the other house-elves (when they found out) angry beyond belief. Leaving her bedroom Gwen took a slow walk to her office as she got feeling back into her legs, she could feel her magic more freely once again as it surged like fire within her veins that would scorch anyone who harmed her but never her.

Seeing that the items requested were all set out ready for her, Gwen hurried to her desk and immediately started penning a letter to King Blood-claw, the King of the Goblin Nation as she wasn't sure if she could trust her account manager Griphook.

King Blood-claw,

I hope this letter finds you well and all your enemies tremble at your feet. I'm afraid this doesn't bring good news, I came into my inheritance last night - as a submissive - but there was a block on my magic; although it finally broke with the surge of power it shouldn't have been placed there to begin with. Why was this not discovered the last time I entered the bank? To say I am angry and disappointed is an understatement!

I want this looked into! I and my family have trusted the Goblin nation with our accounts for generations and I have been let down in the harshest way possible.

I hope this is resolved as soon as possible and those responsible for this abhorrent and heinous crime against the House of Potter, Peverell and Black are held accountable and punished accordingly. I also hope nothing like this happens again!

May your gold ever flow.

Lady Guinevere Lily Potter-Peverell-Black
Lady of The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter.
Lady of The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black.
Lady of The Most Ancient and Most Regal House of Peverell.

Satisfied with her letter she set it aside after sprinkling Elberta's Quick-Drying Ink Setter over the parchment and a started penning a letter to Draco as she knew he was her Alpha as he had told her at the beginning of the summer, plus they had started to secretly date after the Yule Ball in their fourth year.

My dearest dragon,

I have just come into my inheritance as you know, but it didn't go to plan. When does anything ever go to plan with me lately!?

I hope you're okay and they're not making you do anything you don't want to. But I thought you should know, as you no doubt felt the pain (sorry about that), but there was a block on my magic, which while it eventually and thankfully broke shouldn't have been there in the first place. I've written to King Blood-claw as I'm not sure if I can trust my account manager.

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