Sixty Nine | Finished

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Above: Cast of 'A Higher Power'   

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Above: Cast of 'A Higher Power'

Okay, so this one holds a really special place in my heart despite it being ridiculously blurry and the quality looking like I took this on an iPhone 4 or something. Putting that all aside though, I took this on our first day of read-through's for my newest film A Higher Power. It was the first day that the entire cast were in the same room and hearing the scenes we'd been reading and studying alone, start to sound like an actual project.

I remember meeting Michael Caine for the first time and choking on my own saliva. It was so surreal, just seeing him in person and hearing his voice. His voice! Man, you just say the name Michael Caine and you can hear him inside your head it's so bizarre. But in all seriousness, this cast has already become so close and tight knit; I must say being mostly UK based helped because our senses of humour were all the same. Americans quite often don't get our blunt and self-deprecating style. Sorry to all the Yankee readers.

Above: Behind-the-scenes image taken by Tom Holland on set of 'A Higher Power'

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Above: Behind-the-scenes image taken by Tom Holland on set of 'A Higher Power'

This little behind the scenes shot was something I found really enlightening and eye opening being on set as an executive producer. The other producers and our genius director Shane Black really made me feel like my creative input was valued and appreciated, and that my voice was always heard. I loved seeing the more technical side to what people don't see, especially us actors who are used to being in front of the lens.

This scene looks quite grim and bleak without context. The film is really quite unique in that it's set in both the 70's and the 90's - two eras I obviously haven't spent much time in. I was just a little lad for half of the nineties! It was a whole new world to embrace myself in and step into which helped my characterisation a whole bunch. I also, for the record, have never been a member of a cult so I'd like to point out that learning about cults helped with building my character too.

I'm not personally someone who takes on a lot of 'comedic' roles but this film isn't your typical 'haha that's silly' type of comedy. Someone like Will Ferrell wouldn't be found within 100 kilometres of this script. Haha. It's R rated, it's deep, it's psychologically twisted but it's still a dark comedy at the end of the day and what you won't see is the amount of tears I've shed from laughing so hard each day with this cast.

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