xxvii. return of the dickbag

Start from the beginning

Jonathan nodded, briefly looking up to Halley. "You wanna try it out?" his voice came out hoarse, and the uncertainty that echoed through the room made Halley's stomach churn.

"I want to finish what we started." Nancy's chin quivered, "I want to kill it."

Halley waited back for a moment, as the two got up, sticking her head through the door to check on the kids, before they took off. She wanted to tell them where they were going, that they weren't just ditching them, but she wouldn't risk them following them.

"We found the pudding. Dustin's celebrating by stuffing as much as he can into his backpack." She heard Lucas shout from the gym office, where shit was always stashed.

Halley gave a hollow laugh. They would be okay.


As Halley expected, it was almost too easy to grab their stolen supplies from the station. Calhoun was the only one working, so they could see, and he was fucking around with cards. They were in and out in less than five minutes— with more than was taken, thanks to Nancy and her ability to steal a fire extinguisher.

It worked in their favor that Hopper had taken off with Joyce and Calhoun was the only one on duty, because had a cop more competent been working, the three surely would have been pulled over for speeding.

Whatever, though. It didn't matter. They got inside with the supplies, and began the setup.

Jonathan nailed a bear trap into the carpet of their hallway while Nancy dumped the gallon of gasoline around the same area. Halley worked on their weapons, loading their guns and hammering thick ass nails into a baseball bat.

The three set yoyo strings around the house, small traps to distract the monster from the larger ones. Hopefully.

When they were done, and had pretty much made the entire place a death trap, they sat around each other on the couch. There was only one thing left to do.

Nancy held the knife, Jonathan held the bandage, and Halley held out her hand. "You sure you want to go first?"

"It's fine, Nance. I'm ready." she reached out further. Nancy nodded, and the blonde felt the tip of the blade on her palm. She clenched her eyes shut, waiting for the sting.

It was dull at first, but it became hot as it drew on. Halley knew it was only an inch or two long, but it felt like she was being cut open. She hissed as Jonathan wrapped the bandage around her hand.

"I'm sorry," Nancy said, not looking her in the eye. Halley shook her head. It wasn't personal.

Nancy went next, Jonathan taking the knife, and, as gently as he could, cut her hand. She bit her lip hard, but made no noise. The blood was dripping from the cut, but before it could fall from her skin, Halley gingerly wrapped her hand. It was her turn with the knife.

Biting her lip, she held the knife like it was a foreign object. It was stupid, worried about some stupid blade when she had made a nail bat and loaded ammo into guns only minutes earlier.

She wanted to close her eyes, but that was almost one of the worst ideas she could get when doing something like this, so she forced herself to focus as she slit the skin on her brother's palm. He winced and fought against himself to wipe the blood away.

A crackling noise came from outside, and Halley checked over her shoulder, sure that there would be a monster ready to attack.

"What was that?" Nancy whispered, her hands working the bandage around Jonathan's.

He shook his head. "Just the wind." Nancy wasn't convinced. And to be completely honest, Halley wasn't either. "Seriously, it was probably nothing, my mom said that the lights speak when the monster comes."

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