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carlos and elara left the hotel they were staying at, milo excited someone was joining them on his walk. "i heard you're at mercedes this year" carlos spoke.

"yeah, and you're a ferrari driver. i guess new teams for both of us this year, huh?" elara said, looking up at the spaniard. carlos nodded his head in response, "so what made you come on this walk with me and milo?" she asked.

"i don't know, the guys kept talking about testing and the new season, and i just got bored"

"so i'm just an excuse," the girl said, rolling her eyes playfully. carlos could only smile at the girl walking next to him. "c'mon i saw this small cafe on the drive to the hotel" the pair continued on their walk, finding the cafe elara mentioned, only to find out it was closed.

"ay caramba"

"yeah, i really wanted to have their food tonight" the girl sighed, disappointed that she went out to find food but couldn't have the food she really wanted. carlos seeing this, took her free hand and started walking back to where they came from, "where we going carlos?"

"it is a surprise, vamos amor" he responded, the two not holding hands anymore but walking closer together for sure. the occasional brush of the back of their hands put a smile and faint blush on their faces. carlos had led them to an ice cream shop he saw as they left the hotel. they approached the vendor, "one vanilla please,"

"and one chocolate vanilla swirl" elsra finished, reaching into her bag to grab her card, only to find out carlos had beat her to it. before she could ask why he paid for it the two were handed their ice creams, a thank you and gracias were said to the vendor. "why didn't you let me pay for it?"

"because the cafe was closed and you were sad, so i got it to cheer you up" carlos replied, smiling down at the girl who had a smile on her face when she heard his response.

"you're too sweet you know that right" the ferrari driver laughed, nodding his head, slowly starting to enjoy the presence of elara more and more. he definitely wouldn't mind hanging out with her again. "wanna head back to the hotel? it's getting late, and we both have a big two weeks"

"yeah, i am down" the two drivers walked by each other in peace, milo leading the way back, stopping to smell the sidewalk every once in a while. by the time they made it back, the lobby was cleared out, leaving just the two. getting in the elevator, elara couldn't help but suppress a yawn, tired out from all the travel and time change.

"tired there?" carlos asked her.

"mhm," she had leaned her head against his shoulder as the elevator took them up to their floors. the bell dinged letting them know, elara's floor was first, "i'll see you tomorrow, goodnight carlos" giving a slight wave as she hopped off the elevator, milo right behind. both eager to get some sleep,

"buenos noches elara," carlos said, returning the wave, right before the elevator doors closed.


there was a loud pounding on her door this morning, waking the poor girl up from her sleep. a muffled, "ELARA WAKE UP!" rang through the door, milo scratching at the door. grumbling, the girl reluctantly got out of bed and headed towards the door. opening it she came face to face with max who was ready to knock on her door again.

"go away," she said, closing the door, only for max to get his foot in the way, making his way into her hotel room.

"it is noon elara," he said, sitting down in a chair while the girl got milo his breakfast/lunch ready. the poor dog was used to having his food at the most random times of the day, it was just how elara functioned.

smooth operator - carlos sainz jr.     [ discontinued ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ