Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Liam's POV

I was so embarrassed. I looked like a fool when I told her I was scared of spoons, I mean, who would be scared of 'spoons' maybe of spiders, snakes I don't know but spoons. Agh I was so ashamed.

But even though my fear was so stupid, she, instead of criticizing me she gave me a fork in order to share the flan with her. In my other schools I had to hide myself from everyone else because they would bother me and wouldn't understand. But with Mery it was different. She understood me perfectly; maybe it was because she was bullied just like me. But what I still didn't know was, why was she bullied? Maybe because she has good grades... No because she has too many friends. Because of the color of her hair? No that couldn't be either. It had to be something I didn't see, maybe like my kidney. I hated when they invited me to parties and couldn't go because of my condition, I mean, I wouldn't like to be around drunk teens and me being sober; that was so frustrating. But that couldn't be 'cause she goes to parties and drinks and eat like, everything. It had to be something esthetic. But what?

Well I would find out later, that was for sure.

I've been trying to tell her how I feel but...I-I just can't. Maybe I'm still afraid to be rejected like Madison did. I was a fool when I asked her 22 times, why couldn't I just give up and since then every girl has said "no". But would she said yes?

I think I should get to know her more deeply not going very far, such as intimately, but deeply.

She looked so cute eating flan. Her face full of joy with every spoonful. Also she was so entertained watching me struggling to get some flan with the my fork. I couldn't understand why she called herself fat; she's so fit, but girls nowadays are just...confusing!

I really needed to know why was she bullied. I know I can help her, I've been in my kick-boxing classes for two years now. I had a feeling deep inside me that I had to protect her, but she actually doesn't need any protection; she's as tough as a boy, actually she was a tomboy (but a very beautiful one).

I had to tell her about my missing kidney, she deserved to know. But first I had to find out why was she bullied..... Hmmmm.... Ah I know, I can go search for her medical files for her little imperfection. But how, how, how, how...I'll go ask someone who might know where they are. Maybe her friends know where they are...maybe not, but it's worth a shot

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