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~Present day at Starling City University~

"Jonas ow that hurts!" Screamed Felicity in pain. Jonas, here ever so loving boyfriend (note the sarcasam), had her hand twisted and pinned behind her back.

"I told you many times i don't like you going out with Queen and Merlyn!"

She pushes him off her. She was fed up.

"Why do you care?!" She screamed at him. "You go out with girls every night and sometimes you don't even come back to the dorm and I don't complain!"

Next thing she knows she was on the floor, hand on her cheek. She knew there was a bruise on her face from the stinging sensation that spread over her face.

Jonas looked at Felicity with disgust and soon left his dorm room.

Felicity was too in shock to do anything. Her phone rang and she reached for her purse and opened it. Caller ID said it was "Ollie", Oliver's nickname.

She didn't answer. She got up and took the purse and went to Gale's dorm.

You can call Gale the liquor supplier. He has every kind of alcholic baverage you can imagine.

She knocked and hid the bruise with her long strands of blond hair.

"Woah Smoaks what are you doing here?"

"I want 10 beer cans of 10% alchol" she stated emotionless.

"Woah I didn't know you drank?" He asked clearly shocked at Felicity's request.

"Are you gonna give me the cans or should I just leave?" She asked.

"Feisty.. just a second." He said as he entered the room and left the door opened.
She got her phone out and looked at the screen.

7 missed calls from Laurel.
10 missed calls from Oliver.
12 missed calls from Tommy.

She didn't bother answering anyone at the moment. She just wanted to be alone.

She took the black bag from Gale's hand and gave him his money.


Laurel,Oliver and Tommy were freaking out. It was never like Felicity not to answer her phone.

"Okay we need to split up. Tommy you take the computer lab and the library. Laurel you take the gym and that garden she likes to go to. Ill go check the dorm room and ask around call me if you find anything and if you don't try asking around." Oliver said as he was freaking out.


Oliver was sitting with his sister ,Thea, and his mom , Moira, in the living room when the door rang.

Moira went to open the door to find a police officer and a crying Felicity.

"Aunt Moira!" She ran into Moira's arms and cried.

"Felicity? Are you okay?" Moira asked in a serious,worried tone.

Moira treated Felicity,Laurel and Tommy just like she treated Oliver and Thea. Seeing that they spend a lot of time with Oliver she kind of got used to taking care of them.

"Ms. Queen can we talk in private?" The officer asked.

Just then Oliver came and saw Felicity crying.

"Oliver take Felicity and go inside please." She said as Oliver hugged Felicity tightly and took her and entered the living area.

"Her mom was found dead.. in the glades last night. She was coming home from her job at big belly's. They don't have any relatives and when we asked her she said she wanted you Ms Queen. If you can't take care of her child protection program will put her up for.."

"Ill take care of her officer. Thank you.." she said as she closed the door.

She entered the living area to find Felicity in complete shock.

"Felicity look at me.." Oliver said.

Felicity didn't move one bit.




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