Chapter 2- It's the Truth Nookie

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"Yay! Yay!" The boys shouted.

"Uncle Tom's gonna eat dinner with us!" Timmy cheered

"Uncle Tom's gonna tuck us in!" Tommy squealed.

Guilt whelled up in Tom, he wasn't staying long. The boys knew Tom was overworked and thought that they'd be the reason he finally took some much needed time off.

"Sorry boys," Tom ruffled the fur on the top of their heads, "I've gotta get back to work, but I promise that-"

"Next time you'll make us pasta with extra sauce and butter," Timmy recounted dully.

"And you'll tuck us in with the best bed time story ever," Tommy sighed as he repeated.

"But this time I mean it," Tom chuckled as he promised for the sixth day in a row, "Now let's go home."

It wasn't out of his own free will Tom Nook had become the legal guardian of these two. Timmy and Tommy were his sister's children. Her husband had left the boys and was nowhere to be found (similar to a certain someone Tom knew) causing his sister a lot of grief. As it turned out, she was terminally ill and didn't have much time or strength to go on. Her dying wish, she didn't want Timmy and Tommy stuck with their deadbeat father. So Tom Nook became the legal guardian of two happy young boys, too young to remember who their mother even was.

Tom missed his sister everyday and was glad to have his nephews. The problem was, he wasn't the best suited for caring for children. He started by treating them like he treats his coworkers, customer service smiles and offering them jobs. Eventually the three managed to warm up to each other and found a way to be a happy family no matter where they went.

Then Tom started the island program. At first there was no difficulty when the resident rep took care of everything. Then they ran out of things to do for Tom, and he started taking on more work than he could handle, working long hours and neglecting family time. The boys understood that he was just trying to help the family survive, but they still wished there was time for them in Tom's busy schedule.

"Be good to each other," Tom opened the door to the house, "No fighting or else I'll have to step in and take away butterfly catching time." Butterfly catching was about the only time, other than New Years, that Tom actually took off to hang out with his nephews.

"Yes Uncle Tom!" The boys practically fell over themselves to get in the house. Tanuki's always seemed a little chubby, but the boys were still growing and were generally small for their size, "See you tomorrow!"

And then he ended up working himself to sleep. Yes Tom remembers what happened yesterday. So many terrible things to distract him from work.

Isabelle hadn't even come in for work yet. She would have if Tom had let her take over some work as she requested.

He got back to clicking away meaninglessly at his keyboard. Time flies when you're only doing one thing over and over and over again to keep an island afloat.

The piles seemed to thin slightly. This was a lie of course, soon the paperwork for more junk on the island and that damned bridge would hit harder than a semi truck.

The bell to the front door rang. Finally, Isabelle was late for morning broadcasts.

"I see you're in good health," Tom commented, getting together a pile of papers, "Unfortunately, I do need to put you to work. Morning broadcasts are on top and-" a tapping sound on the table drew in Tom's attention. It wasn't Isabelle, but it was the resident representative.

"Mr. Nook!" They would have been shouting had they not been using their hands and nods to talk, "I don't know what's going on! They usually leave. They never come back two days in a row! They never have back to back visits!"

Oh Nookie~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora