Chapter 9

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Next day

Aira pov

Aaryan is getting ready to go office
I come in with some papers

"Master..." I called him

"Yes Aira" he said

And i handed him some paper

"I'm resining from the job of ur personal maid thank you for ur favour u give me job for months I can't work here anymore" i said looking down i can feel he is hell angry

"And why?" He asked gritting his teeths

"I'm tired of this i want to try something new in my life i can't stuck in a mansion for whole life goodbye" i said about to turn but he held my wrist and pin me to the wall

"People come here by their own will, but left when i want and i didn't allow u to leave and about these fucking papers ...." He said and look at papers he tear it into pieces and throw it in bin

I just keep looking at this silently

"Now better back to work" he said leaving me but I didn't move

"What?" He asked

"I want to leave that's it" i said stubbornly

"U stubborn girl ........u need to be punished " my eyes were wide open at this

"" i try to run but he smirk and hold my wrist and start dragging me in his secret room i hate this room so much

"Plz master no I'm sorry I'm not leaving this job until u want leave me plz" i keep begging but this beast is not listening to my cries we are infront of most hated room and he love it the most

His grip lose for a second and i take out my hand and try to run but he is more fast then me he throw me on his shoulder i hit him from back but it never effect him much we enter in this dark place he turn on the lights which are dim creating horrible scenerio he throw me on bed and tie my hands with the headboard

let me tell u guys this fucking room is just for me whenever i disobey him he take me here and from few months he is not doing anything like this so i thought this time he will also not do this but i was very wrong

I know now no one can help me in this situation

He lock the door and take out his coat and open his shirt buttons and start moving towards me with a horrible smirk i feel metal touch my skin and when i open my eyes my clothes are on floor they are cut into pieces I'm in my inners only oh shit no no no not this

He take out sex toys and they never let me cum i have to be with craving feelings whole day and night

He cut my panties and from here if i make sounds he will increase the vibrator speed or decrease it on very low which irritate alot i have to be shut

Ughh he insert the vibrator at high speed

"Ahh slow it's too much" i cried

"No way it's ur punishment " he said in husky voice

My whole body is shaking and sweating I'm feeling too much weak he insert dildo also after it

They make me cum fast i try to cum before he stop them but dunno how he get to know that and stop these fucking toys stopping me from cumming after 5 mins he again did the same

And then take it out

I cried in irritation


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