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I am so so so sorry I haven't posted for a while it because I'm starting to give up on this book and we have final exams coming up in three weeks so I am very sorry so I hope your enjoy today's chapter :)

The two got out of the elevator and we went to the main hall

"Thank you for having us sir" They all faced to takemichi

I got surprised is this...really my place? Takemichi thougth Then someone caught my eye a guy with black hair

He seems familiar

That's when it hit me

"Answer your phone for once takemichi" the black haired faced me


I then ran to him

"Thank goodness you're here I didn't understand what was this all about" I was relived now that I found chifuyu

"Huh? The hell you be talking about takemichi anyways the upper echelons are having a meeting let's go now"

"The upper echelon what!?" I kept asking questions to chifuyu while we were on our way to the meeting

"Dont your remeber your tomans top executive- I then widen my eyes -Hanagaki Takemichi" chifuyu finished

I have finally became an executive of toman..now that I am one maybe I can know more things that we didn't knew about toman before

I followed chifuyu to a place filled with many Chinese themed things and foods and a table with the rest of tomans upper echelons

The only thing I heard was people talking to one another when we first got to the room

"First of all I'd like to higher our treasury founds.."

"No,no,no first of all I'd like my rice" one of the echelons said wich was pah chin

They really all haved changed

"It's oddly strange that most people are missing" pah chin continued

"Can't you just shut up pah" the fifth division captain yelled across the table instead of his blond hair now he had it black

"Bequiet and eat your food... now let's see who else is also missing? Mitsuya?"

"And everyone else who hasn't come jackass..."pah arguded " I need my friend rice,I can't eat without my fried rice"

"Dumbass the fried rice your supposed to eat it at last not rigth now" the fourth division captain said with a smile He still looked the same just his hair was different

"Huh!? Dumbass" peh-ya argued "who do you even think who you're talking to pah chins head is made of air rigth?"

"Hell yea!" Pah agreed

Smiley then irks "then tell them to make fried rice instead of whining"

Good thing toman hasn't changed as much takemichi thougth

"All of yall be talking random shit" we then all faced the person who said those words "can't yall stop for once" the upper echelon named as hakkai Shiba said

"Huh?" Mucho puted down his glass

"Dont start now or else" peh threatened

"Shut up..all of you!" A guy next to hakkai yelled he had green emerald eyes and blond hair and scar on his forehead "who do you even think puts food in the table" he then leans back of his chair " you old timers don't even contribute to the treasury founds only because yall were here for much longer time"

"The hell did you say!?" Smiley then took out a fist

"Your too honest inupi" another of the black dragon members said eich was Kokonoi Hajime he had his hair color in a mix of black and white

Huh!!??? Who the hell are these guys takemichi thougth

"They keep on talking like if they're the shit" "dam ex black dragons" chifuyu Commented

Black dragons???

"Anyways wheres mikey??" Pah chin asked after he said that there was a long silence in the room

After that hakkai put his plate on the table "like if he'd like to see your ass"


"Mikey this... and mikey that you old timers would always complain about mikey"

After pah chin heard hakkais harsh words he stood up and kick his chair to hit the nearest wall

"Step outside Shiba" pah demanded and went towards where hakkai sat

"I'm soo exhausted" the last echelon said wich was the one and only Hanma Shuji
"What is this now a playground!?" He wore round glasses and his hair colored a mix of brown and blonde to the side

Hanma Shuji.....so he still exists in this present takemichi widened his eyes

Then hanma rests his hands on the table
"What I wanted to discuss with yall was that Koko's public IT business , Shiba cover business and other of yalls businesses.....they were searched by the cops three days ago, in that case there's. Judas amongst us"

"Judas!?" Peh repeated

"By that he means there's a traitor" mucho answered

"But there's no traitor here!" Peh debated "we all migth be trash but it's either a ride-or-dies!"

"Are you stupid or what" Kokonoi said "if no one is snitching then how did they search us in the same day"

"Who are you even calling stupid" peh pointed his finger to kokonoi

"Dont try to lessen the blow by calling him "stupid" instead of "dumbass"!!" Peh exclaimed

"I am the one who called you dumbass remember" Smiley reminded him

"Just shut up"

Then after that everyone kept figthing e as eachother until someone came.....

"Looks like yall having fun" the second in command came to the living room. After he said this everyone stood up and bowed to him except for chifuyu and takemichi

"Good day sir!"

It took a few second for takemichi to realize who the guy was

Kisaki..... he gritted his teeth

"No need to be formal yall" kisaki smiled at them

"It's pretty rare for you to join an upper echelon meeting kisaki-san" pah said

"I have something to take care of...."

Is this even kisaki.......he looks so different in this time

Kisaki went towards takemichi "takemichi,chifuyu can I talk to you?" He smiled

"S-sure" takemichi stood up

Well that's all for today and again I am sorry for not updating :(

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