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Y/n pov

It was late at nigth and i heard that there was going to be a toman meeting I didn't rlly care but I just wanted to spy on them because I want to see what happens

I later went to the Musashi shrine and then saw the meeting was happening I didn't put alot of attention  until mikey said that Valhalla will be joining toman

O dam then toman going to have more members but why would mikey join forces with Valhalla

"Tomans 6th division captain hanma shuji" mikey yelled out

I later faced takemichi and it looked like he was worried

Well I better meet up with him later ima have to talk to him

Few minutes later after mikey announced that the meeting ended

I then waited for everyone to leave then I made my way to takemichi

"Oh kanao chan I've been waiting to talk to you about my next move" takemichi told me and we later both went to a nearby park

"I also wanted to talk to you but you can go first I don't mind" I smiled

"Oh ok so I'm planning to go to the future now and see how things are" takemichi confessed

"Oh...if you're going then you better be careful especially near kisaki and tell me what happens ok?" I told him

"Ok I promise to tell you whenver I come back cya" takemichi Then left

I then went to the Musashi shrine and saw mikey there

"Oi what are u doing here mikey I thougth ur meeting finished" I looked at him while he was sitting down on top of the stairs

"Oh I'm just staying here for a while more" mikey told me

"By the way thank you for saving baji or else he would have been dead by now" mikey smiled

I then went next to him and took a seat

"No problem" I returned the smile

"But what do you mean by whener you told baji that he could join you to do suicide and that the way he tried killing himself is not the way to do suicide and about you relate about for what happend to kazutora" mikey kept asking me

"First of all I always have wanted to do suicide at a young age but with someone so I won't be alone atleast and well the way baji wanted to do suicide was not the best way you know" I gave him a smile

"And what about you relating to kazutora" mikey said to me

"You see whenver I see in someone's eyes all I can see is that if they suffered or not,for instance kazutora suffered just how I did but I suffered more than him but I can't tell you"i smiled again

"But why can't you tell me"mikey pouted

I then got up and them went down the stairs

"You won't understand" I then left

Takemichi pov

"You better be careful" I rember kanao telling me this

whenver I woke up I saw my boss for the job I work for

"Would you like anything mr" my boss asked

But wasn't I working for her or...

Then I looked at my watch

Since when did I get this watch and what are these clothes I don't remember having them

"Uh....no that's all" I replied and then faced to a mirror

And what the hell is it with this haircut

Why do I look like this.... did I finally save everyone

Whenver I got outside I saw someone with brown long hair and had a neck tattoo

"You rlly love this shop don't you takemichi" the guy smiled

"Now let's get going" he then went toward a black car

"Yikes...." I mumbled to myslef

"Get in already" the guy later got inside the car


I then got inside and the car ride took a few minutes I was pretty anxious about this

"Hey um were are we going" I asked the guy

"dont you know to your place obviously" he responded

"My place...." I whispered to myslef "but my apartment isn't this way" I told him

"This was in your orders" he looked at me than faced another guy "rigth koji?" He faced the guy beside him

"Rigth!" The other guy told the brown haired one

My orders...since when....what the hell are they even talking about maybe I should call Naoto to explain things to me I thougth

I then check throughout my bag for my phone wich took a while to find whenver I did I went to search naoto's name in my contacts but I couldn't seem to find it

Later then the car suddenly stopped

"Hey takemichi..." the man got outside and open the car door for takemichi and leaving it wide open "..what are you spacing out for" "Were here already"

"R-rigth" I then got out of the door ¿what am I going to do now? I can't seem to call Naoto  whenver I got outside the car I saw a lot of men bowing down to me

"Good day sir!" They all yelled

¿Wait what?

"About time you came takemichi" in the front were two men who both had the same stern look

¿Huh where have i have seen these guys before?" I thought

"Yamigishi you have to keep him in line" the tall man with black hair yelled

¿Wait what? ¿Yamigishi!? This guy really is Yamigishi  I looked shocked on how much he has changed

"Shut up!" Yamigishi yelled back

Then that means the other two must be..'makoto and .... takuya!?'  They were all part of my mizo mid crew back in middle school

" Come on let's go" takuya gave me a smile while takuya and makoto went infront "number 2 and 3 have been waiting, boss"

I am so sorry that this chapter has to finish here its cuz of school and it's 1 am for me so Goodbye ima go to sleep now

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