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U - Unconditional 


July. The perfect time to go see the water lilies. 

Me and Felix sat alongside the pond, my toes slightly tapping the water.

What did he want to tell me?

"Look Y/N, I have kind of been hiding something from you for a while," he started. I perked my 

ears, to gesture that I was listening to him. 

"I've kind of... developed feelings for someone."

My heart dropped, and I ripped my head to look at him. 

He was lazily smiling, but it was so happy.

My heart shattered, tore, ripped, into disgraceful and ugly confetti.

My eyes glossed. 

I darted them back to the water lily in my hand.

"Oh." I let out. Not wanting to let my emotions take over me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I kinda broke basic friendship code." He giggled.

I couldn't take this anymore. 

I didn't want to congratulate him.

I didn't want to ask who it was.

Because it was obviously not me.

"I have to go," I muttered. I quickly got up.

My long white and blue skirt whipped around in the breeze, and my hair flew in my face.

But my tears were running nonstop.


He held my wrist.

"Y/N, what's going on? You've been really down lately, is everything alright?"

His voice like ginger, something I had to the tea to soothe my throat.

He calmed my emotions.

But today I was uncontrollable.

I turned around, showing him the tear-streaked face.

"No, nothing is alright. You're out loving a girl. A girl who probably has the sweetest smile, the 

most loving laugh,"

You probably love someone who's your equal. Who you brings you up with a sheer glance.

Someone better than me."

That's when I felt it.

His lips on mine.

My heart jumped, the aching vanishing instantly.

I parted, confused and brows furrowed.

"You just described yourself, you silly goose." He breathed.

Our lips locked again, filled with passion, loving, and longing. 

He was my missing puzzle piece, the sun to my moon.

The oxygen in my blood, that allowed me to live.

I inhaled him, and I exhaled lingering thoughts of him. 

It was so good to be true.

Our lips parted, breaths mingling in between the few inches between us.

"Lee Y/N, I like you. Ever since I became your friend. Ever since I got to know you. Ever since my 

heart started to jump giddily every time I saw you.

So," he bent down on one knee, holding my hand gingerly.

"Will you be my girlfriend? The one I will love forever." 

I bent down, crouched on my knees.

"Absolutely." I muttered.

My love for him was pouring, as if Venus herself had created a concoction out of the pure 

goodness of her heart.

Our love was so pure, it gave life to each other.

It was unconditional.

But I envied him, for how free he was. 

We were both swimming in opposite sides of the sparkling pond

But we met up in the middle all the time, to desire and long for one another.

I loved him. 

And he loved me.

The world was our witness, and the sun and moon were priests to our bringing.


INVU | LEE FELIX ✔️Where stories live. Discover now