You sigh, burrowing your face into your sweater. It's cold and it smells in here. You gently touch your head, wincing. You feel the spot Hannibal pulled. It's tender. You're suprised he didn't pull your hair out. You breath out, looking at the dead bodies in disgust. "This is all horrible.. I don't know how I even began to like this place...." More tears form in your eyes. You wipe them with your sleeve quickly.

1st Person POV (Hannibal):
Yes, I did know that Y/n wasn't trying to leave. We all saw her walk out. But we cannot dare to let her go. Sure the method I used was wrong, but it works. Now Y/n won't ever leave the house, even if she doesn't have the intention of leaving. I do hope Y/n will forgive my actions.

2nd Person POV (You):
You shiver uncontrollably. You stare at the dead bodies around you. You are now more used to the sour smell. You watch as the maggots eat away at a girl's stomach. I wonder if the killers feel any guilt or remorse later on in life for these people? Imagine knowing that there are dead people, the people you've killed, right underneath you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself...

You don't know how much more time passes by. Is it night by now?.. you assume it is. Your stomach gurgles, begging for food. You shake your head as if you could communicate with it. Watching bodies deteriorate right in front of you makes you lose your appetite to want to eat.

The room you're in is sort of big. The walls are peeling and you can see the wooden boards from behind the old, moldy wallpaper. The floor is hard, cold concrete that is damp from last night's rain. Heck, the whole room is damp.

Rusty shelves are along the left wall. It holds all kinds of bloody weapons and tools. Blood drips from the shelves and onto the floor. Speaking of blood, the whole room is covered in it. It smears the walls like paint and covers the ground like a carpet.

There are roughly 7 bodies in the room (that you can see). They all have different injuries. One guy has an ax in his head. His eyes are wide open and popping out of his sockets. His nose is bent the wrong way too.

One of the girl's are decapitated. Who knows where the head is. Her arms and legs are covered in dark purple bruises. Her left ankle is bent in the opposite direction it's meant to be in.

You shake your head vigorously, trying not to picture the people dying. As you do that, you notice something in the corner of the room. The dark silhouette of a person. You gulp. "Wh–who's there? I-i'm armed!" You quickly grab a knife from the ground, holding it to the shadow. A small giggle comes from the darkness, making your hands shake in fear. "G-go away!" You yell, tears forming in your eyes. The mystery person person reveals themself. Your eyes widen in fear.

The person has an eerie smile. A smile so wide that is stretches from one side of it's face to the other. The person's eyes are wide and empty. It's skin is so pale. It's as white as snow. It crawls towards you in a bolt, making you jump. It crawls towards you with it's spine chilling grin like a crazy person. You raise the knife in fear. The person is now in front of you. You let out a blood curdling scream and try to stab the person in defense. You don't know of you actually hit that "thing," but you assume you did. You then hold the knife tightly, curling up into a ball. You begin to sob uncontrollably.

The door to the basement swings open, hitting the wall. You don't dare to look up. Heavy footsteps walk down the stairs, getting louder and louder. Your body just shakes in fear and from the shock. Big arms wrap around you and then you're then lifted up into the air. You just burrow your head into the person's chest, still crying. I hate this place..! I hate it, I hate it!

You feel light shine on you, telling you that you are out of the basement. You hear quiet talking and gentle pats on your back.

"Y/n?" "What happened in there," "Jeez, she looks like she's in rough shape." "Shut up Freddy!" "Are you okay, Y/n?" "We shouldn't have done that.." *Meow?* "W-we're sorry Y/n.." You can't hear what other stuff they're saying. It's all muffled.

You are rested onto the couch. A thin blanket is placed on top of you. A hand strokes your head. You look up to see Billy. "We're so sorry Y/n," he whispers to you, kissing your forehead. You shake your head. "No you're not.." you mumble, still holding the knife in your hands. Billy stares at you, sad that you would say something like that. You don't think you will need to the knife. Well, now you're not sure about anything anymore. Billy notices the knife. He reaches his hand, grabbing it. You still hold onto it, trying to not let go. "Y/n. Please let go." You frown, letting go. Billy hands it to someone. You don't see who it is.

Carrie comes into view, lightly pushing Billy away. She sits on the ground in front of you. "Are you okay?" Her voice is full of worry. You shake your head. "No.. I hate it here. I w..want to g-go home," you stutter, more tears filling your eyes and falling onto the couch. Her eyes sadden. "You can't," she explains, looking away. You just cover yourself with the blanket, trying not to burst out into tears. I'll never see my mom again. I'll never see my warm, cozy room again. I'll never see my friends, or my house, or P/n (pet name) ever again. I won't be able to see anyone other than these killers!

"S-sorry," you hear Norman say, patting your head. "Mhm..." you reply. You sigh. "There was someone in the basement.." you mumble, voice shaky. You can imagine that Norman is now wanting to hear about it more now. "I think it's still down there." A small laugh comes from behind you.

You sit up, peeking out of the blanket. It's Pennywise. "Heehee, sorry! That was meeee," he says with a snicker. You grab a pillow from the couch, throwing it with all your strength. It hits him gently, falling to the floor. "That scared me!" You yell, hiding yourself again.

You feel someone hug you. "Who is that?.." you ask. "It's Hannibal. Dear, I apologize. I never knew you would be that frightened." You don't know if he's being sincere or not. You try shake him off, but to no avail. Tears prick the side of your eyes. Why is he so kind to me now? "Just choose. Are you going to be kind towards me or are you going to kill me? Just pick!" You yell. Hannibal releases the hug, processing what you said. He doesn't respond.

"Y/n, maybe you should go to bed. I'll bring something for you to eat," Carrie suggests. You breath out and nod. Hopping off the couch, you go to C/n. You scoop him up, quietly walking to your room. Jason follows you close behind. You notice, but don't mind.

You go to your room, sitting on the bed. Jason sits on the bed beside you. It creaks loudly. He stares down at you. "So..rry.." he tells you in a deep, scratchy voice. You wipe your eyes, stopping your tears. "It's fine." Jason pulls you down so your sitting sideways resting your head on his lap. "Sleep.." he whispers, playing with your hair.

After about 15 minutes of Jason playing with your hair your eyes begin to get heavy. This is... nice. Through all the silence and the hair stroking you feel relaxed and comforted. You close your eyes, instantly falling asleep.

3rd Person POV:
As Y/n falls fast asleep, Jason continues to stroke her hair. He can't help but adore the small being sleeping soundly on his lap. But outside the room is a different story..

In the living room, the others are arguing. "Why did you do that Hannibal?!" Billy whisper yells, not wanting to wake Y/n up. "I never meant for Y/n to be scared," Hannibal says defensively. Freddy rolls his eyes. "Yeah. Sure you did. Throwing her down the stairs and leaving her with dead bodies is technically leaving her 'not scared'." Hannibal nods. "I didn't say she would be unharmed." Freddy stares at Hannibal with disgust and anger. "You are sickening," Freddy yells, not caring whether or not Y/n would hear. "B-be quiet! Y/n is s-sleeping," Norman stutters. "I-i-i don't c-care!" Freddy mocks in annoyance. Norman furrows his eye brows, storming off.

The argument continues on...

Hello! Hope you guys liked this chapter!!!!

Q: What's a show you act like you hate, but secretly enjoy very much?

Answer in the comments! Bye for now!! ^^

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