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"No, I can't, sorry," Marinette bit her lip.

"Girl, this is the fourth time you've said you were too busy to hang out!" Alya threw her hands up. "Is there a reason you can't spend time with your best friend?"

Marinette bit her lip even harder.

"I can't really explain; I just gotta go!" she said, hurrying outside of the school. "I'm sorry, but I can't--GAH!"

She jumped at the sight of Margaret.

"Uh... Your Majesty!" she nervously giggled. "What... uh.. brings you here today?"

"Oh, Marinette, you don't need to call me that," Margaret giggled. "I'm your grandmother."

She leaned in closer.

"We only use the titles around others," she whispered.

"Ohhh, got it," Marinette said. "So where's Adrien?"

"Right here," Adrien said. "Alya was wondering why we were busy... um... disappearing and stuff."

It was tough, having to keep it all a secret.

But both of them knew it was the only choice to keep from everything going crazy.

"Well, come along," Margaret said. "This way."

She led the duo about a couple minutes away from school.

Marinette jumped for the second time in the last ten minutes.

"This... this is mine?" she asked, a little skeptical.

Sitting in front of them was a shiny new limousine.

Actually... there were three.

"Mine is the one in the back," Margaret explained. "But these other two are for you."

Marinette and Adrien shared a look.

Things just got a whole lot more interesting.


Alya and Kagami kept watch as the three limos drove down the street.

"Maybe there's some ambassador staying somewhere?" Alya wondered aloud.

"Wait," Kagami stopped Alya as they saw the doors opening. "Is that..."

"Marinette?" Alya gasped, and Kagami covered her mouth before anyone could hear them.

Marinette, Adrien, and a woman exited the three cars before going through the gates, all of them getting out... a little too regally to be normal. And from the way Marinette and Adrien were getting out, it was like they'd been given a crash course.

Alya scrunched her face in confusion as Kagami took notes on her phone.

"You'll take Marinette, I'll take care of Adrien," Kagami said. "When should we interrogate?"

"We should wait a little," Alya replied. "Give them time to do whatever this is, and us some time to get more evidence."


"Nice book," Alya said the next day at school. "Where'd you get it?"

Marinette looked up.

"I didn't know you were interested in classics," Alya teased a little.

"Oh! That! Yeah..." Marinette quickly closed the book and stuck it in her backpack. "I guess I'm just... uh... expanding my genres?"

She gave out a fake smile, hoping her friend wouldn't realize anything.

You Should See Me in a Crown (MLB AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon