"find your own beanbag." bri glared at javon, then shoved him off of it.

"rude." javon glared back, then proceeded to get back onto the beanbag, not caring that bri wanted it to herself.

bri rolled her eyes, then looked around the room. there was a few kids around her age, the rest older. she recognized one of them as walker scobell. she used to have a crush on him, but got over him a couple years ago.

they made eye contact for a split second and bri whipped her head in the other direction so it didn't seem like she was staring at him.

someone then came around and passed out the scripts. bri looked over it and her scenes were pretty simple, although she's the main character. she felt her heart drop as she read one of the scenes.

javon and bri had to kiss.

she glanced at javon and his face was slightly red, as he was reading the same thing.

she was only fifteen and wasn't sure if she was okay with her first kiss being... 'fake'? she wanted it to be real, like she was actually in love with someone. not just for acting. taking a deep breath, she continued reading through it.

it seemed that her and lexie were going to be close in the show, including oscar. she had no clue who they were though.

the producer then spoke up, introducing himself.

"i'm edward hicklebottom," bri snorted at the name but covered it up with a cough, "but you can call me ed."

"ed sheeran?" bri whispered so only javon could hear it. he wheezed but covered his face with the script so it looked like it wasn't him laughing.

"as you all can see we passed out the scripts so i'd like for you all to read over it a couple times a day to get the lines memorized. if you forget a line while filming, don't sweat it, just try to improvise. we aren't gonna yell at you."

a/n: for this next part just pretend it's what actors do cuz idk wtf to do for this HELP

"for a little cast-bonding, i'm gonna separate you all into groups so you can get to know each other."

"oh gosh-" bri groaned, hoping she wouldn't get put with someone boring.

ed pulled out a piece of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it aggressively, then cleared his throat loudly.

"group one is bri holland, javon walton, walker scobell, reid pedretti, and jenna mendoza." he read off, and with that they all stood up and gathered in the corner of the room as ed read off the rest of the names.

they all looked at each other awkwardly.

"you all can go wherever, i really don't care. just don't leave the set in case we get something to announce." ed spoke, then walked out of the room.

"well, uh- where do you guys want to go?" bri asked.

"there's a room towards the back, it has really comfy chairs and a big TV screen," walker suggested, "we could go in there."

"i'm fine with that." javon shrugged, as the others just nodded their heads in agreement.

everyone walked out and followed walker as he was the only one who knew where to go.

as soon as they walked in, bri sprinted to the beanbag, then belly flopped onto it.

javon and walker sat next to each other on the couch, and the other two on the other couch.

bri decided to speak up first since the awkwardness was getting intense, "let's start off by introducing ourselves. i'm bri, and i have the role of tatum."

javon went next, "i'm javon, and i have the role of colson."

then it was walker, "i'm walker, and i have the role of  oscar."

"i'm reid, and i have the role of lexie." the girl on the other couch spoke.

"i'm jenna, and i have the role of nicoletta." the girl beside lexie waved.

"should we watch a movie or something?" lexie suggested.

"sure. which one?" walker asked, walking over to the TV and turning it on.

"let's watch spider-man!" bri jumped up and pulled out spider-man, no way home from the DVD case beside the TV.

"yes oh my gosh, andrew garfield is so hot." lexie gushed, throwing her head back and fanning herself with her hand.

jenna just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"yes but hear me out, tom holland!" bri covered her face with her hands and groaned, "he's SO FINE."

"agreed." jenna nodded her head.

"you wanna know who's hot? doctor octavius." walker smirked, putting the DVD into the DVD player.

"no, no, no, hear me out, osborn!" javon moaned.

"um hello? what about mj?!" jenna blushed, "she's a literal girlboss."

"okay shut up! the movie's starting!" walker shushed them, sitting back down on the couch.

bri could already tell she was going to have a lot of fun while filming.


about three hours later, it was time to go back to the hotel.

everyone said their goodbyes then went their separate ways.

bri speed walked back to the hotel because it was dark out, and didn't want to get kidnapped.

she took the elevator instead of the stairs this time, then walked into the hotel room. exhausted, she lay down on the bed and closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

day one was a success.

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