Chapter 2

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As their red car drove down the dirt path it finally revealed a town with people walking and going about their everyday life, with some police officers just hanging around waiting for trouble to happen so they can do their own job for the town. Finally, Mrs. Suchot parked and got out the car to be surprised by a police officer.

"Good day, Mrs. Suchot."

"Oh, Officer, hello."

"Always a pleasure to see you" Said the officer

"Thank you, Officer. Always a pleasure to see you too." Mrs. Suchot said smiling.

"Good day officer." Mrs. Suchot said turning around while the police officer tilted his hat as a good bye.

"Y/n, um, here's the shopping list, and I'm just gonna run across the street for five minutes, so I'll meet you at the check-out counter." Mrs. suchot said point to the check-out.

"Can I buy some straws?" Y/n asked smiling.

"Yeah, as many as you like." Y/n then started running towards the store with a smile on her face while Mrs. suchot turned around walking checking behind her as she walked across the road. She opened the door with the store clerk saying,

"Did she follow you?!"

"I don't think so." Mrs. Suchot replied

"Perfect. Perfect!" The store clerk said walking to a spot under the counter and pulling out a box and setting it on the counter.

"There. It's all there!" The store clerk said with a smile.

"Perfect. This is wonderful. Thank you so much. What do i owe you?" Mrs. Suchot said looking threw her hand bag.

"Are you crazy?! Nothing! Nothing at all. Now, get going before she catches you!" The store clerk replied pushing the box towards Mrs. Suchot franticly.

"I'm speechless. I don't know how... Thank you." Mrs. Suchot said in disbelief.

"By letting me participate. Nothing could make me happier. Now, get going!"

"Thank you so much!" Mrs. Suchot said smiling.

"Im counting on you to let me know how it went."

"I will. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Talk to you tomorrow."


The red car pulls in the driveway and Mrs. Suchot gets out franticly going to the back before Y/n did.

"Oh, Y/n. Y/n, no, no, no, it's fine. You go off and play. Go off while it's still light." Mrs. Suchot said making a hand motion basicly saying 'Move along'.

"You sure?"

"Absolutely. Sure."

"Thanks, Granny."

Y/n then started running to the barn doors and opened them while grabbing a dart and throwing and then making a target.

"Yes! Yes. World champion!" Y/n said smiling jumping up and down. Y/n then walking to a work desk and takes out some straws.

"Watch carefully, Alfred. You are about to witness the invention of the largest irrigation system in the country." Y/n said putting a straw in a whole then putting some clay around it for it to stay.

"Bigger than Grandpa's, Better than Caesar's. This is Y/n invention." Y/n whispered while bending the part of the straw.


Y/n started running in the garden with her straw Invention in her hands. Then she sets down her invention on a bamboo stick connecting to the other bamboo sticks until it makes a perfect water transporter for the plants.


Y/n then starts running the the water switch to turn on the water."By the grace of god." Y/n said as she turned the water valve on. She suddenly starts running back and seeing that her invention.............................. Worked. all the plants were being water bye the pipes and straws.

"Yes! Alfred! Congratulations! It's a remarkable invention that'll go down in history. Believe me!" Y/n said excited.

"Y/n, telephone." Y/n then got up excitedly and started running for the telephone.

To be continued!.....................

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