"Hello baby," Ethan smiles, pulling me into a heated kiss, completely getting his suit covered in paint. Not that he cares, he never does. He pulls back to grin at me before dropping to his knees and lifting up his shirt that I'm wearing to uncover my eight month old pregnant belly. "And hello baby," he repeats whilst planting a small kiss on my stomach making me giggle.

Raising back to his feet, he takes my paint brush from my hand and drops it to the table before he leads back upstairs to the living room. "I need your help with something," he says playfully and I know what that usually means!

"Sit down here for a min, there's a book I need," Ethan says as he sits me at our dining room table and heads to our book shelf to scan for whatever he is looking for and I look at him with puzzlement.

Yeah that's not what I was expecting and I'm as horny as hell. Pregnancy has cranked my sex drive up to the max level and I need almost daily servicing.

On the dining room table is the magazine I've been sent from Jean. "Hey did you get a chance to look at this," I say to Ethan as I wave the magazine in his direction. Ethan stops what he's doing and looks over his shoulder with a big proud smile on his face.

"Yeah I read it all. Cool right?" he enthuses and I couldn't agree more. It's very cool!

On the front cover of a 'Young and upcoming entrepreneurs' magazine is a picture of Samuel in his workshop in a heavy black leather apron, his arms are crossed showing off his muscular tattoo covered arms and he's got the signature Maverick smirk on his face. A few pages in there's a two page article about Sammy and how he turned his small woodshop into a successful empire whilst sticking to his roots of our home town. From starting off with just making the basics to now making custom made luxury treehouses for children of the rich and famous. Samuel lists an impressive number of happy customers from famous singers and actors, oil tycoons to basketball and Ice Hockey athletes who have all paid top dollar for Sammy's craftsmanship. In the bottom right corner I see a small photo of Sammy with Phoebe sitting on his lap laughing. Those two have always been adorable together.

"Ah ha! Got it!" Ethan grabs the book that he's been looking for and walks back over to me keeping the book behind his back. He takes a seat next to me and takes my hand in his free hand.

He's piqued my interest!

"What is going on?" I laugh.

"Well, you know I had that big meeting today I was nervous about, it turns out they want to offer me a secondment for Six months. Now I don't have to take it, it would mean us moving there when the baby was about three months old, so If you think it's too much we won't go," Ethan smiles nervously whilst rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

Wow, well I wasn't expecting this, "Well where is it? Like San Francisco? Seattle?" I question. They're not too far away, I know his company has offices there. We can make that work!

Ethan gives me a little squeeze of my hand before he puts the book that he's been hiding behind his back onto the table and my eyes widen at the realization. It's the travel book of Japan that Ethan gave me when I was fifteen for Christmas because it's always been my dream to study art over there.

"No way," I scream, rising to my feet with a squeal of excitement to grab the book, but Ethan is quick to pull me onto his lap to calm me, rubbing my pregnant belly possessively.

"Take it easy baby!" he chuckles as he studies my face. "So you like the idea? You don't think it's too much with a new baby?" Ethan gently asks, his eyes swirling with emotions like they always do when he stares at me.

"I mean it would be hard, but oh my god, this is literally somewhere i've always wanted to go." I say excitedly and Ethan grins back at me.

"So the company would pay for our apartment over there and flights. They'd offer us some language lessons so that we can start on now to get the basics down before we arrive. I'd only need to work four days out of the seven so three full days a week we can be together and explore the city. They also told me that another couple , Simon and his wife Lena will be in Tokyo with their one year old at the same time. They're from the London branch and I've spoken to Simon a few times and he seems like a decent guy so hopefully we could make friends with them to begin with..." Ethan rambles away, he's excited too. He always rambles like this when he's happy about something.

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