Part 1

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The clock was ringing, and I was fast asleep. The alarm had been ringing for hours and hours, and yet I was still asleep.

Finally after hours I awoke to a loud ringing noise in my ear. I glanced over at the clock and realized that it said 5pm. ''That thing is broken! It's 5 am, and It's still dark out!'' I yelled to myself in disbelief.

I got up out of bed and stomped over into the kitchen furiously (loud enough that my Mom would yell at me or ground me for doing that.) ''Mommy!!!'' I called out, no replies to be heard. ''Mommyyyyy!'' I whined in a deeper tone.
I decided to investigate the odd silence from the other side of the house.

I ran over to my Mom's room and she wasn't in bed, and neither was my Dad. I just thought they were at the pharmacy getting their weekly medicine because they are so freaking 0Ld.

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