Catching feelings.... maybe

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(Okay so gonna try a new writing style let me know if you like it)

You ready for this Kaiden." Nikki jumped on his back and whispered in his ear obviously she was referring to the tag match that they were scheduled for. "No I'm not ready I hate being in tag matches and the one time I was in one I got beat the fuck up." Kaiden grabbed her hair and pulled her off of his back setting her softly on the ground before walking off. "Oh and I'm not going out for the match so good luck trying to find a partner." He said as he turned back around being met by Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce

"So umm what's this about you not being in the tag match." Sonya raised an eyebrow as Kaiden chuckled keeping a straight face. "Well I just don't feel like it because I don't do tag matches last time I did I got beat for it." Kaiden sighed reminiscing about his time with the fiend and Alexa. "Yeah well I don't care what you say your being in the tag match and that's the end of it." Kaiden sighed and rolled his eyes pushing past the two but Sonya grabbed his arm making him face her as she

Kaiden stumbled back putting his left hand on his cheek. "Goddamn you slap hard." Sonya smirked and went to slap him again as he backed up slowly. "Ha pussy." Kaiden mumbled something g under his breath and walked away. "I'm gonna get you back for this Sonya when you least expect it." Kaiden yelled out which earned a laugh from the wwe official.

Fast forward to middle of the match

The match had been going on for a good five to seven minutes with neither Kaiden and Nikki or jimmy  and Naomi gaining a significant advantage over another. As the fight went on weird things started to happen to the lights every so often it would flicker on and off until it went dark completely and when the lights came back on.

We're in there way down to the ring. Kaiden turned to Nikki and immediately told her to leave the ring as did Jimmy. Both girls nodded there hands and quickly exited the ring as Brody King and Malakai Black got onto the apron. Before they could get to the ring Kaiden and Jimmy had attacked them. Not wasting anytime Kaiden hit a

on both men following it up Jimmy hit a

Kaiden went to the time keepers area grabbing two chairs throwing one over to Jimmy as he made his way back over. Brody and Malakai had crawled up the ramp as Jimmy was chasing after them but Kaiden grabbed his arm and pulled him back whispering something before pointing to where Nikki and Naomi were. Jimmy sighed and nodded dropping the chair and running to Naomi. Kaiden reluctantly did the same. Nikki ran up to Kaiden and jumped into his arm causing a slight chuckle to come for the married couple next to them as Kaiden slightly blushed which Nikki quickly noticed and called him out for it. "Stop okay this isn't funny alright I hate you guys okay." Kaiden sighed and shook his head putting Nikki down. "Aww we love you too Kaiden and come on we saw that blush your starting to like her maybe Alexa was right." Kaiden nearly choked hearing Naomi's words that can't happen even though deep down some part of him did it want it to happen. He turned around as Nikki jumped on his back hearing the crowd cheer slightly from this. Kaiden sighed and walked towards the back seeing Malakai and Brody when he got there quickly shaking there hands he set Nikki down as she hugged him. He wanted to stop himself but self consciously he hugged her back looking up at catering he saw some aew wrestlers there and some smackdown stars awing at the sight of the two seemingly polar opposite's hugging. "Hey opposites attract it's just a fact of life." A loud voice was heard not to far away as La Knight the former Eli Drake made his way to catering. "Oh you can shut up Eli I am not attracted to her and I never will be now she's attracted to me though." La shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Look man from what I've seen are you even confident about that answer." Kaiden thought about it for a second half of him was actually starting to like Nikki even though he wanted to hate her he had to admit that the way she went about things was definitely something that made him chuckle every time he saw her. Right at this moment his heart was winning over his mind as he stuttered over his words he wanted to say two separate things but neither would come out and he was just left speechless that was the first time in a while where a question had rendered him speechless. After a few minutes of nothing coming out he was finally able to answer the question. "Yes im confident about my answer you know me Eli when have I not be confident about my answer come on now that's insane if I wasn't confident about my answer." La knight looked around at the people around him and they all had a similar look on there faces. "Are you sure cause it took you quite a while to answer the question Brooks."
Kaiden looked down at Nikki who was biting her bottom lip a bit. He looked up and met eyes with everyone he started to blush as he turned away and backed away covering his cheeks. Some thoughts crept into his mind maybe they were right maybe he was falling for Nikki but he shook it off and immediately ran to his locker room. "Okay so that basically confirms it he totally has a crush on you but Nikki give him some time alright he has a hard time explaining his emotions so be patient with him." Alexa hugged Nikki and patted her back.

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