•]P R O L O G U E[•

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Third person POV

It's been over 5 years ever since Dream was put in prison. He hasn't gotten any visits. Well, except for Sam and Quackity, mostly Quackity, and having visits from a person where their only way of communication with you is torture isn't really wonderful. Although, even their visits progressively lessened, but we can't really blame them,  they had many more matters to attend than waste their time on such a monster.

Yes, it has been years since he was a threat outside the prison. But unfortunately problems still bloom.

Enough of the outside, let's see how the oh so terrifying Dream doing.

Dream's POV

Crackles and sizzles. That's all I could hear in this awful cell, crackles and sizzles made by the lava that prevents my freedom.

My breaths were heavy and uneven.

I layed on the floor staring at the obsidian ceiling which was currently the most entertaining thing is this shitty cell.

No one has bothered visiting me for exactly 7 months, 4 days, 6 hours, 23 minutes and 43 seconds; And little old me ate the last of my hidden raw potato stash a week ago. So not only am I going to starve to death but out of boredom also.

Believe me, I don't mind dying at all at this point, but dying out of starvation is a laaame-ass death.

I huffed, "At this point, I wish Quackity would just magically pop right in here and torture the living hell out of me," I paused and looked straight at the lava, "-since there's still some!" I continued to stare at wall of lava expecting at least anyone to walk through it.

I sighed, "I miss those beatings.." I frowned and closed my eyes.

I sat uo and positioned myself against the wall with my legs up to my chest and my arms on my knees to act as a pillow for my throbbing head.

I groaned loudly while lifting my head up to where it's harshly slammed onto the wall. I stared at the ceiling blankly bored out of my god damn mind. Until, something dinged.


"What if I kill myself?" I confidently spoke to no one in particular.

My eyes had faint sparkles at the thought, "THEN, I wouldn't be in this hell I call home!" I felt a large grin take shape on my face.

"Sure it's pathetic, but it's less pathetic than die of boredom and starvation!" I hugged myself whilst rocking back-and-forth.

"But, other than that, I would have more company than just two people who, not to mention, probably won't visit me anytime soon!" I threw my hands up in the air. I stood up and started pacing around the cell.

I stopped pacing and crossed my arms, "But company I wouldn't enjoy.." I mumbled, "Now that I think about it, I might get annoyed to death."



"What am I on about?? I can't die in the afterlife!" I breathed out.

My grin grew unnaturally wider as I turned my head towards the wall of lava.

"It's not like they'll worry for me anyway!" I exclaimed, "The only thing they'll be worried about after my dissapearance is their safety."

I took 3 steps forward,

"It'll hurt alot" I pause

"-But it's worth it."

I sprinted towards the lava and jumped right in.


I screamed in agony as I get consumed by the lava.

I could feel all of my 5 senses slowly be burned to nothing.

The lava crawled through my mouth and slowly made it's way to my insides to make it's job much more easier. It took it's time burning every singles piece of my skin before moving onto my muscles.

As expected, everything turned silent, I could no longer hear my screams, only the sizzling of my burning body. But that too, soon dissapeared.

I could still feel EVERYTHING the lava was offering, and it hurt like hell!

As most of my muscles were disintegrated and exposed my bones, my vision began to go black.


Third Person

Dream opens his eyes to be met with a sight of a...drivethrough?


The next chapter will be showing what Dream's appearance looks like and some info about him.

A Nightmare's Dream |Hazbin Hotel x Mcyt|Where stories live. Discover now