They walked over to it, and Kel rung the counter bell, because, y'know, who wouldn't? The man turned around and put the plate and cloth down. " can I help you?" He blinked. He was wearing a white uniform with a white apron. It seemed he was just a dishwasher filling in. "Uhm, h-hello, kind sir, uhm..m-me and my friends were just here to find our reserved table?" Basil stumbled over his own words, trying to sound as formal as possible.

"Name." The man said, picking up a notepad and a pen. He clicked it.


They stared at each other in confusion, then back at the man.

"Who reserved a table for you?"

"Oh! Uhm, our friend, named Hero. Have you him on your list? Heh." Basil leaned on the counter in embarrassment. The man flipped through the pages of the notebook and he scribbled something down. "Yep, got him here. A table reserved for...4?" He asked.

"Yep." Aubrey crossed her arms, getting impatient. The man put the notebook and pen down and he pointed to a table that had a small sign on it. There were letters on it that spelled, "Reserved" in fancy writing. The table was right at the back of the restaurant, it was hard to see from where they were standing. "Do you need assistance with getting to your table?"

Aubrey glared at him and replied with an attitude, "Uhm, no thanks." She said, and she grabbed Basil's wrist, walking over to the table, Sunny and Kel followed behind. They all sat down and waited patiently for a waiter. (Lol, waited for a waiter.)

"Tch, that guy was such a dumbass. Surely he doesn't think we need babysitting." Aubrey leaned on the window next to her seat. "So anyways, what are we ordering?" Basil said, grabbing a menu from the side of the table. Kel picked one up to, and looked through all the food choices. "How about spaghetti? It comes with free drinks and a dessert!"

"Free drinks and dessert? I'm in." Aubrey grinned. Sunny put a thumbs up, "Same."

"Oh, okay then, I'll have the same too then. Spaghetti it is." Basil smiled, and just on time, a lady in a waiter dress, maybe just a year or two older than them, came over with a notebook and a pen, similar to the notebook and pen the man had at the counter. "Hello, what can I get you?" She smiled. Her dark brown hair was in a messy bun, and she wore multicolored bracelets. "Four plates of spaghetti please." Basil said.

"Anything else?"

"No, thank you."

"Alrighty." The lady smiled and then walked to a far off She turned her head to look out the window. Kel was doing a crossword with Sunny, there were free crosswords on the side of the table beside the menus. "What do you think goes here?" Kel said, tilting his head as if that would help him figure it out. But before Sunny could say anything, the waiter returned with three plates of spaghetti. "Here you go." The lady smiled, placing the spaghetti on the table. "Uh. We ordered four plates of spaghetti." Aubrey looked at the lady, who just kept smiling. It was so annoying. Aubrey just wanted to punch her stupid face. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. If you would like to make a complaint, please see counter staff." She put the spaghetti's side of the bill on the table and walked away with the tray and Aubrey stared, and rolled her eyes. "Well, you know what? I might just do that.."

"Aubrey.." Basil said, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Ugh whatever. Didn't we pay for four plates? Isn't that scamming?" Aubrey tried her best to give an emphasis to this. Basil held the bill and looked at it. "Actually no, we only payed for three. Did I say three instead of four?.." Basil asked, sceptically putting the bill back on to the table. "No, you definitely said four." Kel said, taking his mind off of the crossword. "Well...I guess one of us have to share with someone else." Basil shrugged. "I call having my own." Aubrey dragged a plate of spaghetti closer to her and she grabbed a fork from the cutlery pot. "Me too." Basil also, grabbed a fork from the cutlery pot. "I guess you two are sharing." Basil chuckled at Sunny and Kel, who weren't even listening. "Huh? What?" Kel looked away from the crossword and looked at Basil. "You and Sunny are sharing a plate. I hope that's okay." Basil smiled. "Oh, uh, sure! I don't mind sharing, we're best buds after all. Right, Sunny?" Kel gave a thumbs up, grinning at the raven haired boy, he nodded and smiled in reply. Aubrey looked at Basil and whispered for some reason, "Why can't we just order another plat-"

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