"No Belle, it was you I saved from the Beast King himself and any other story you attempt to spread will be discounted as the ravings of a scared woman. I am the crown Prince and you are blind. No one will believe your story over mine."


Belle had attributed everything up to this point as a misunderstanding. She figured that no prince would be waiting around the forest for her to return only to pounce in and take credit for it. The timing was a little too convenient and it was disgustingly dishonorable. She had figured wrong. She thought at first sight he'd admit to his mistake, but when he did not, she thought maybe he had her confused for someone else, but she did not expect his lies and veiled threats. 

She tried to piece together a retort when the music started and he led her into an awkward stiff dance.

"We'll have to work on your dancing my dear, it's really atrocious." The prince said, finally bringing Belle out of her swirling thoughts.

"You're lying to everyone about saving me." She said, pointing out the obvious, ignoring his insult.

"Of course I'm lying, but it is all your fault really. I HAD intended on rescuing you and I did spend the last few weeks searching for you in that godforsaken forest, but after challenging the beast to a duel and losing I was going to come back for more men, but you beat me here."

"and you took credit for my rescue." She said filling in the rest of the story. 

"and nobody will ever know of any other story." He pulled her close grabbing her painfully around her waist. "Do you understand me?" He asked in a low threatening voice and she nodded. 

"Good." He said, loosening his hold on her but holding her just as close. She hated the feel of his arm around her waist. If he was across the room he would still be too close to her. "The timing of everything worked out well for me, but it worked out even better for you."

"How does your fortune work out for me?" She asked and he laughed.

"Well you have won your prince of course!" 

Belle was quiet at that, scared to say what she really thought. 

"But surely you don't want to marry a blind woman. Some other woman would make you much happier and a much better wife."

"Actually, I can't think of a better arrangement! I'll get the glory of rescuing a maiden from the king beast just like my oldest brother. It will of course work in my favvor to have such a sympathetic wife. It will endear people to me instantly. So much so in fact, that our popularity will soon outstrip my brother's. In a castle you won't have any responsibilities so your disability can hardly be a detriment, and I imagine having a blind wife would mean having a wife who would nag me a lot less because you can't exactly see what you're nagging! It's the perfect situation, not to mention you're the most beautiful creature that I've ever seen in my life. If I had my pick of a thousand women you would be my choice every time."

Belle couldn't believe what she was hearing. Every word made her stomach drop and she would have stormed off away from the dance if she wouldn't have made such a commotion by colliding with everything in her path.

"I'm not sure I can marry you." She said, trying her best to sound diplomatic. 

He laughed good and long at that, "They didn't mention how adorably naïve you are! Of course you will marry me. You are only hesitant because of the odd circumstances behind our union. It's every woman's dream to become a princess! You'll be pampered your entire life an covered in nothing but the best the kingdom has to offer! Plus, I know you can't tell because of your defect, but I am known throughout the land for my pleasing looks and physique. I am the most desired man in the kingdom."

Belle had to school her face before she mocked him openly. She hated this man. She was sure of that now, and would rather throw herself to the wolfmen than marry him. 

"I must insist your highness, I am not sure that we would make a good match. Your affections are better spent on others who could appreciate your looks and your physique."

"Don't be petulant. We'll get married. it's almost as much as announced! I have already asked for a ring and I'll make it official, but without your support Lord MonteVerde would not be so inclined as to lend me a few dozen men for the next few days."

"Why do you need a few dozen men?" She asked as the horror sank in that this really was going to be her husband.

"We're going to go out into the forest and kill the King Beast once and for all."

Belle's heart ran cold, "Why do you need to go out there and risk yourself? You have me already you don't need to go out there and kill him."

"Oh my dear, you're just a consolation prize. The real prize is killing the King beast, When I left him he was gravely wounded and if he hasn't already died off from it already, I'll be more than happy to finish the job. Whoever kills the king beast on a blood moon becomes the King of the beasts and with that kind of power I could conquer anything. Soldiers are nice and all, but you don't stay up late at night hope a soldier isn't hiding under your bed. With all the monsters at my disposal I would finally be taken seriously as a contender to the throne and I am convinced I will inherit."

Belle was speechless and her mind was reeling. Adam was injured when he brought her back. He didn't mention any prince, but it would make a lot more sense. She didn't know if he could handle dozens of men coming after him in this state especially unwarned. He'll think the men have stopped pursuing him now that he no longer has her. 

"Oh don't look so depressed dearest. By the end of this you'll be queen."

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