Part 5

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It was Saturday evening and Alexi was finishing getting ready in her room. Taking a final look in the mirror before heading out into the hall, she passed Bucky's room. The door was closed, the room quiet.

She thought back to the night before and the conversation they had. It was late, almost everyone had retired for the night, or so she thought. She sat in the living room, unable to sleep, thinking about everything that was happening and what she was going to do with...well, with the rest of her life. She had poured herself a drink and was pacing the room but couldn't come up with any answers. For once, no one was dictating where she would go or what she would do and she felt a little lost. Bucky walked in a little surprised to see her. 

"Oh, I was just turning off the light. I didn't know anyone was in here," he said.

She looked up, not saying anything but gave a little half smile which disappeared as quickly as it appeared. 

"You good?" he asked, seeing she the look on her face.

'I'm fine," she answered shortly, then added, "Well, I'm not, but I'm sure you don't care."

"You're right, I don't." He nodded slightly but made no move to leave. Instead he crossed the room to pour himself a drink from the bar cart in the corner. He examined the bottle which was almost empty, though he could have sworn it was full earlier. He dismissed it as he thought there was no way she could have drunken that much.

"Then why ask?" She raised an eyebrow at him with the same half smile, only this time she didn't let it go so quickly.

"Seemed polite," he shrugged lifting the glass to his lips.

She sat on the sofa and gestured the seat across the table from her. "You want to sit?"

"Do you want me to sit?"

"I don't. Just seemed polite," she chuckled to let him know she was kidding. She thought she caught the corners of his mouth creep up but he turned around too quickly to look at the chair before sitting down. 

"So, what's keeping you awake?" he asked.

She considered her answer before speaking, taking a sip from her glass to fill the silence. "I was just planning next steps."

He nodded but didn't respond. Lifting the glass to his mouth, he drained the rest and set it back down on the table. 

"What's keeping you awake?" she returned the question back to him.

"Wondering when you're leaving."

"Oof, 4 minutes."

He shook his head to ask what she meant.

"4 minutes is how long you can be polite before you go back to your default setting."

"Well, sweetheart, something about you brings it out of me." 

"I told you, don't call me sweetheart. Why did you come in here anyway?"

"I didn't think anyone was in here." He stood up.

"Bullshit, you have that super soldier hearing, you knew I was in here." She stood to face him.

"Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart." he brushed her off turning to go but she moved in front of him.

"I don't think I make you mad, James. I make you nervous." She crossed her arms satisfied with herself.

"I did hear you in here. I came to check on you. Not because I'm concerned for you. I don't trust whatever you're planning, okay?"

"Ugh!" she exclaimed throwing her arms up and letting them fall at her sides, defeatedly. "I'm not some double agent. I'm not here to hurt you, or betray you. When I said I'm planning next steps, I meant with my life! I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it," she rubbed her face in annoyance. 

Troubled Mind | Bucky BarnesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora