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Heeseung's parents decided to visit...

Heeseung asked the maid to make Sunghoon dressed nicely in front of his parents...

Heeseung's parents arrived..

Amd they were staring at Sunghoon

Heeseung's mom said "Sunghoon dear, you look so handsome!"

Sunghoon smiled...

Heeseung's dad spoke "he indeed is handsome"

Heeseung's mom "You look handsome too baby~"

Heeseung's dad nodded

Heeseung spoke "Thank you mother and father"

Heeseung's mom spoke "Anyways how are you guys doing?"

Heeseung spoke "we are doing fine mother"

Heeseung's mom "That is great! You guys are a perfect match for each other! I mean like at you guys you guys are both handsome, talented and tall!

Sunghoon was embarrassed...

Heeseung just chuckled

And said." Really? Mother?

Heeseung's mom said "of course!"

They all ate and talked to each other...

Heeseung's mom spoke "Heeseung, your school will start next month.."

Heeseung "Really that fast?"

Heeseung's mom "Yes"

Heeseung's mom continued "How about you Sunghoon dear, Do you go to school?

Sunghoon spoke" No i don't "

Heeseung's mom said" How about i enroll you to Heeseung's school? So you guys can see each other everyday"

Heeseung's dad "Thats a great idea"
What do you guys think?

Heeseung said"i don't mind"

Sunghoon spoke "If Heeseung agrees, Then sure"

Heeseung's mom continued "Alright then!"

Heeseung's parents are going home...

Heeseung and Sunghoon bid them a goodbye

Heeseung spoke


To be continued...
233 words...

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