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chresanto's pov

when i got home i got straight in the shower and got dressed i went down stairs to get something to drink nobody's home there never home i grabbed my keys and left i went to the airport to pick jazmine up she was sitting there with a lady who looked like bri's dad but in a girl version   i guess thats  bri's aunt i walked over there and jaz ran up to me

jaz: chresssssssss

chres: hi jaz u had fun

jaz: yea i got u and my sister something (btw jaz is 5) and makayla 

chres: cool

lady: ummm who r u

jaz: this is bri's boyfriend but she never admits it

chres: no were just friends-(gco)

jaz: noooooo your her boyfriend she loves u-(gco)

chres: okay thats enough (whispers to jaz) tell me everthing in the car 

lady: well im drea nice to meet u bye jaz see u next month

jaz; bye auntie drea

in the car

me: okay what was u sayin about bri

jaz: she loves u every time i walk pass her room she's on the phone talking about u and at dinner time one night she told mommy she loved u more than a best friend she's always talking about u

me; and thats all 

jaz; yea and she said she wants u guys to be together not just best friends

me: (smiles) thanks jaz

jaz: no problem chrissy

me: i hate when u call me that

jaz; but i love calling u it hayy have u talked to jacob (p)  (she has a crush on him)

me: he's not available jazzy so get over him

jaz: wat ever chrissy

chresanto's pov

i pulled up in bri's drive way i called her and told her that i was outside 

bri's pov

chres called me he said he was out side i grabbed my purse and my phone i picked makayla up and i went out side i made sure i locked the door and i walked to the car i put makayla in the back i got in the car and he drove off the ride there was very quiet i felt something on my thigh i looked and it was chres's hand i looked at him and smiled he smiled back and i put my hand on top of his and i turned to the window 

the aquarium

bri's pov

we were walking around in the aquarium and the girls were looking at the whale they were having a good time me and chres walked to the close's bench to watch the girls and i made conversation 

bri: sooooo

chres: is it true that u love me

bri: yea but............

chres: but wat briana

bri: u dont love me the same way and i just dont know

chres: briana i do love u 

bri: then who is asia if u so called love me

chres: thats my ex i told her not to call but she does it anyway i think im gonna change my number but idk yet bri u cant say that i dont love u because u dont understand 

bri: im sorry but ----- 

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