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"Whew" I sighed.

My mom smile, "that was a good one!"

"Okay I think I'll submit it,"

I selected the video of my audition and sent it to the director of The Adam Project.

I had never auditioned for any movie before, I had always enjoyed acting in front of my parents but I was so stupid to audition for a movie as big as the Adam Project. I was only 13 years old. I mean it wasn't a huge role, younger Adams best friend Marley, but it was still a role in a huge movie. There was absolutely no way I would get the role, yes my audition was good but probably not good enough.


I lay in my bed at 2:00 in the morning unable to sleep. I used my palm to wipe off my sweaty forehead. I leaned over to the right sed of my bed to grab my laptop, maybe watching some YouTube would help. I skimmed through my notifications, Ellie liked your TikTok, new update available, Shawn Levy Adam Project, storage alm- SHAWN LEVY ADAM PROJECT.

My eyes almost buldged out of my head as I read the email,

Hello Silvia Madden! We would like to inform you that we have looked over your audition and would like to have a meeting over zoom so we can decide who we would like to play the role of Marley. Saturday at 2 PM.


Shawn Levy

A small shriek escaped my lips, they would like to see me act again! It was only thursday so I still had two more days. I layer back down in the warmth of my bed and went back to sleep.



"Okay mom 2 more minutes!!"

"Honey you should probably click the link and get ready to join,"

"Ohh yeah," I said clicking the zoom link in my email.

My heart was practically going 100 miles an hour as I waited until 1:59. As soon as I saw the time on my laptop go from 8 to 9 I had clicked the join button in the corner of my screen. I was greeted by about 5 black screens.

I smiled, "Hi!"

I was greeted by the voice coming from Shawn Levys black screen, "Hello Silvia! We have our cameras off so you can focus more,"



It went great! I said my lines perfectly and I think I showed a lot of emotion. Now I just waited to see if I got the role.


There I was sitting in my 4th period English class.

"Where does the author show foreshadowing in these pages?"

The silence of the class was so quiet I could almost hear crickets. But the silence was interrupted by the ding of my laptop. It felt as if 100 pairs of eyes were on me as a smiled a cheepish grin and opened up my laptop to see who it was. Once I unlocked my laptop I clicked on the notification,

A high pitch scream escaped my mouth, "OH MY GOD I GOT IT!"

The people in my class looked at me like I was crazy and started whispering but I didn't even notice,

Hello once again Silvia! We are very happy to announce that we would like to cast you for the role of Marley. Filming starts in November but we would like you to come to California as soon as possible. Once again, congrats.

See you soon,

Shawn Levy

I couldn't believe it, me? In California with a big acting role!! Unfortunately I still had to wait until the day ended and by the time that came the story of my outbreak had spread throughout the school, but oh well, I was going to California anyways and it was only the start of the school year.

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