"That must be tough..." Gaku stop to think for a second. "Say, are you free after this?"

"Huh? Yeah, I do have plans in the evening though."

"Why don't you join me later after this shoot then?"

"Eh?! Is that really ok?" Riku asked hesitantly.

"Of course." Gaku smiled.

"Umm... I'm really happy to hear this offer, but can I ask why so suddenly?"

"Well... as someone who didn't get to enjoy his childhood and teen years like what 'normal' people would because of my father, I can tell that you somewhat also didn't had much of a bright past. It might also be a bit of a selfish reason but I also need to get some stuff out of my head. So? What do you say?"

The red head's eyes sparkle out of excitement and nodded.

"Yaotome-san! Crimson-san! The makeup artist is now here." A staff came and told the two.

Overall, the shoot was smooth sailing and enjoyable for everyone in the studio. Once they had wrapped up, the two changed back into their casual outfit, hoping not to draw a crowd even with their disguise on. They chatted happily while walking down the city streets. Occasionally they will stop at a stall with delicious looking food or enter a shop that they are interested in. Their conversation was so engrossing that they somewhat forgot about reality, and somehow the topic of concerts; more specifically, the summer festival, came up.

"Haha! I remember how nervous Mitsuki and Sogo-san was!" Riku laughed. "To be far, I think we were all really nervous to be performing with you guys. You are TRIGGER after all!"

"The three of us where nervous too, you know? Just because we had more experience, it doesn't mean we don't feel nervous. That was a blast thought! I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves too. Man, that was a really long time ago now that I think about it huh..." Gaku smiled feeling the nostalgia. "...though I am still mad about what father did. Even though he said he had nothing to do with it, he clearly pressured Hyuuga for a 'better' song, resulting to him stealing Natsu Shiyouze. Tsk. If only I had noticed it sooner..."

"Everyone already agreed that it's not TRIGGER's fault. Nagi may still be mad at Hyuuga-san, but he doesn't blame TRIGGER at all. Those songs really mean a lot to Nagi..."

"The... summer festival...?" Gaku remembered something.

"Ah-!" Riku gasped, realizing his entire conversation.

"Nanase you..." Gaku mind flashed his completed memory of everything he should've had remembered. "...are IDOLiSH7's center..." He looked at the redhead with an 'explain yourself' expression.

Riku gulp knowing the silver head is scary when angry and glanced at his watch. "Sorry Yaotome-san! We shouldn't really be taking about this in public so I'll call you over when we're both free. Trust me, it will be a lengthy explanation so we won't have time from it now. You do have something planned in your schedule in an hour, right?"


"We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience." A staff apologized for the nth time.

"Don't worry about it. Things like this happens and there's nothing much we can do about it." Mitsuki tried to calm the staff.

The producer of a talk show called in and is not able to make it for the recording, so Mitsuki and Tamaki are now heading back to the dorm. Tsumugi is currently doing some other work so she is not able to drive them back.

Runaway Prince {IDOLiSH7 fanfic} -Discontinued/will be rewritten-Where stories live. Discover now