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30 minutes later...

When Mia got to the mall she went straight to the food court, being a couple minutes late the waltons + kylee were already there waiting for her.

They all greeted eachother and quickly set off to find a store, the first store they went into was bath and body works. "ooo Javon you need this" Mia joked holding a vanilla body scrub. "I like her already" Jaden thought.

When they left bath and body works they went there urban outfitters. They all got a couple things from there too.

Then they went into Nike, Thats when they left Jaden and Mia alone. "you wanna get matching hoodies" jaden asked nervously. "yea!" mia replied happily.

So they got matching hoodies and set off to find the others. Once they found them they went to a few more stores, them being American Eagle, Footlocker, and Lululemon.

They were all tired after shopping, so they went to food court and got some food.

When they all find finished eating they decided to go to the walton household. Once they got there jaden pulled mia to his room. "lets change" jaden said slightly smiling. "ooo okay" mia agreed.

They put on the hoodie and made a tiktok on jadens account. "wait what's your username" mia asked wanting to repost it. "okay some and my siblings are kinda famous." jaden explained typing his user into her search bar. "really? how.?" mia asked curiously. "well javons an actor, he's on the HBO show Euphoria and some other shows and stuff and Jayla and I got our fame from him" jaden spoke "that's cool!" mia said genuinely happy for them. "yea i'm proud of him" "you should be! i wanna be an actor one day" i'll get wanna to hook you up"

A couple hours had passed and it was time for Mia to go home. She called her mom to pick her up. Once she left she was already making plans with the group again.

Btw I have a new story about Javon out if youd like to check it out! don't forget to vote on the chapters!

Oops, Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now