Chapter 2

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"How did the pictures come out Atticus?" I look up from the floor of pictures to see my friend James. "Uh pretty good, the usual ya know. People with drinks, people dancing, people kissing." I say to him. "What about that one?" He says pointing at a photo facing the floor. As I turn it around I see her. The violinist. The stubborn but, intriguing girl. "Who is she?" James asks me ready to jump to finding her. James just went through a breakup. So therefore all of his paintings are about 'loneliness' and her being in the picture alone doesn't make it better. "I'm not sure. She said she was a violinist." I say to James firmly but a bit lost. "That's why she looks so familiar. I've passed by her a few times since the art building is so close to the practice rooms for the music students. They're having a big event today some sort of fundraiser for some old guy. But, she's a violinist I'm sure we'll run into her." He says jumping onto the idea of finding her. "Do you think it's good for you to go out? I mean you and Alexandra just broke up. Plus I have a feeling this violinist isn't your type." I say to him trying to make us not go. Because James is a overly complicated guy who tends to get bored of women easily. Pretty sure it's because that's how his Father is. His Mom always being in Europe doesn't help the problem he has of recycling women. "Dude it's the perfect time to go out. Plus if I don't like her I'm sure there's more musical students I can talk to for that cross media final for the end of the year. Also, didn't you agree to covering for Ethan and take pictures of this event anyway?" He says in a subliminal begging way. "Crap, I forgot about that. Okay fine we'll go. But as soon as I get bored and I get enough pictures I'm out." I say to assuring him I won't be babysitting him tonight because I have to overlook more of these photos from the party. As we arrive to the fundraiser in our dapper suits getting seated my stomach flips. Why is my stomach flipping? Why do I get so nervous about this girl. She's just a girl. She's just a human. What is it about her? "Are you okay?" James asks me sounding a bit alarmed. "Yeah I'm fine why?" I say to him irritated. "Dude you look like your sick." He says. He's laughing a bit. "Yeah I'm fine shut up it's about to start." As people began playing in looking at everyone on that stage and I don't see her. I don't even know her name. Plus how the hell did she know my name? Well who wouldn't know me. But she's so unorthodox, in a good way. But, she doesn't seem to run in my circles so how does a socially unorthodox girl know my name? As the last big group finishes I decide to get up closer with the other photographers and get a few flicks before I can't take any. As I show the staff my photographer pass I see her. It's just her this time. No great group, just her. She's wearing a beautiful red dress. Walking so confidently. I've never seen anyone walk the way she does. As the other photographers are trying hard to get her picture while approaching the stand I decide to wait. As she starts playing I can feel her playing. I've never felt so touched by someone that I don't even know. It's strange. As I read the program I find her name 'Ellis Luna' and then I wonder why her name is bolded. And I check the lower part of the program I see that she's first chair. She's fucking first chair. That's why she has the solo. As I begin to take a few photos of her, I catch her. I catch this glimpse of her where she has a single tear falling. And it's clear for me to see because her hair is up and her tear is running. This emotion doesn't feel like sadness though. It feels like hard work. When you consistently work and work and it finally pays off. Like she just has a great breakthrough but, only she knows it. But, now I know it too. As she finishes her piece she stands and bows. Smiles beautifully and walks away like she left it all up there. As I take more pictures of the other musicians the show comes to a wrap. As everyone starts heading to the great hall for the soirée I stay back in hopes of seeing Ellis. As I'm sitting in the auditorium clicking through the photos picking and choosing the ones I like. I see her walking. As I approach the exit and stop her I finally gain the courage to talk to her. "So it's Ellis? Ellis Luna? It's got a short and sweet ring to it." I say to her flirtatiously. She looks at me thrown off I'm sure she didn't plan on seeing me again and definitely not this soon. "Yes it is. How'd you find out?" She asks over curiously. "The program gives all students names. But, first chair is bolded. So you're first chair." I say nonchalantly. As if I'm confused a bit to throw her off. "Yeah it seems I am. I worked hard for it. Hard work pays off." She says confidently trying to get past me but, fails. "Yeah I noticed. You had a breakthrough today." I say to her kindly. "How'd you know?" She's asks wonderingly and in a stern way. "Because I could feel it. Nobody else played to where you could feel it. Nobody can play the way you do. The Orchestra heads made a good choice for you as first chair." I say to her genuinely. "Th-thanks. Can I get by now please they're expecting me at the great hall." She says slightly thrown off by my kindness. "Just one more thing Ellis." I say to her. "Yes Atticus?" She asks sounding a bit irritated and flustered. "Since I've seen your art, it only seems fair that you see mine." I say to her in a sly manner. "I'd rather pass on another one of your parties if that's what your asking." She says stubbornly. "No not a party that's just something I do for fun and for a project with the photos. I mean my actual actual work. My real photography. You could come over I can cook, you can see my last photo book from my last project." I say to her trying to act as if I don't care. Even though I know I'll feel like I just got stabbed if she says no. "Is this you asking me on a date?" She asks genuinely confused. "It can be a date if you want it to be. Don't want to misread any signals." I say to her. "Well Atticus is it a date or not?" She asks flustered. And almost as if I have to make the decision of it being a date or not. And I'm having a mini panic attack because she's just looking at me dead set in the eyes. Not breaking contact. "Uh- yeah it's a date. Let's say eight on Tuesday?" I say slightly less confidently. "Let's make it nine I have a late rehearsal on Tuesday. I already know where you live since the party so I'll see ya then." She says affirmatively. Fuck why is she so confident. Like she's so confident but nonchalant and stubborn. It's a weird mixture. A mixture I've never had. Like a scary unknown cocktail. But, I have to have a taste. "Yeah sounds like fun." I say to her as she's still standing there. "Atticus can I get by now?" She asks laughing. "Uh yeah sure my bad see ya Tuesday." I say while I move and watch her walk off and wave to me. Why the fuck did I just get so flustered. Fucking pull it together. I can't allow myself to get over attached.

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