Chapter Two

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On the first day of school, I was quick to get ready before I smoothed out my uniform and hair. Carefully done make-up to hide that I was wearing any before I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to see that dad had just finished making breakfast.

"Good morning, Princess. Let's sit down and eat," dad said and I nodded before sitting across from him. We said our thanks before starting to eat.

"Alright, your bento box is in the fridge but I'm also going to give you some money for snacks. Let me know if you join a club and make lots of friends,"

"Okay and I will,"

"Don't be pressured to be the manager of the basketball team because of middle school. You can if you want to, I just don't want you to feel like you are obligated to,"

"I don't think I'll work with the basketball team as I did in middle school. I think I'll offer advice and if need be a manager if I have to,"

"Oh, that'll be good. Let me know if that'll involve any paperwork if that's what you truly want," dad said and I hummed.


"Sorta. I did a lot of work over the summer," I said.


"I'm worried that people will just want to be friends with me because of my status,"

"You will find people like that, yes, but not everyone will be like that,"

"I know but you can't deny that it's a valid reason,"

"Oh, I do not deny it. I'm just saying that type of thinking is a double-sided coin. You have the ones that'll be fake and backstabbers then you'll have the ones that are your real friends and will stick with you through thick or thin. That's when real friends will be easier to find. You just have to press on," dad said and I nodded before we ate the rest of our meal in silence.

I grabbed my bento box and placed it in my bag before heading to the front where I pulled on my shoes.

"Have a good day, Princess,"

"I will do my best," I said and dad smiled before he kissed my forehead.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I said before I walked out.

It didn't take me too long to get to school but I could feel a lot of eyes on me, the moment I walked through the gate. I ignored them as I made my way through the crowd of students until I got to the first-year student lists.

"Takagi Asami, First year, Class Seven," I read once I found my name before I made my way to my shoe locker, then class where once again everyone was looking at me. The only difference this time was that they all fell silent. I hide a swallow before walking to the empty seat.

"I miss you," I read as Satsuki's text popped up on my screen.

"I miss you too. Try to keep Aomine out of trouble and hopefully he'll practice. Schedule change when we both have it?" I asked as I quickly texted her.

"I'll do my best for both! Of course! Want me to tell you about the other schools later?"

"Yeah, have a good day. Love you,"

"I'll email it later. I will and you have a good day too! Love you!" I read before I turned my phone off and put it away.

It wasn't too long later, before the homeroom teacher came in and the day officially started until the rest of the classes went by until it was time for lunch.

"Hey, what's your name?" I heard and I turned to see a girl with hair so black it looked blue. Well, it could have been blue dye.

"I'm Takagi Asami, and you are?" I asked.

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