Life at home.

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It was an early on a Saturday in the small town of Redwood. Kids were outside playing while some stayed inside of their homes. While parents went out do whatever adults did during the day without their kids around. While my family on the other hand was getting ready to go to church, though I wasn't religious myself, my family always made me go with them as nobody would be able to watch me as they always told me, but I think that's just them trying to get me to convert to Christianity. As I'm getting ready, I look at myself in the mirror hanging on my bedroom door. I see me. A young teen male with dark brown eyes, short and fluffy dirty blond hair, and like everyone else in my family, an anthro dog. Getting the floppy ears and slim tail from my dad, and dark chocolate brown fur from my mom. I'm Coco. A 15-year-old boy in the small town of Redwood. I put on my necklace a close friend of mine gave to me years back as I fixed the collar of my shirt only to hear my sister laughing in the distance. My younger sister Carmel was always the favorite sibling, as she was seen as the perfect kid any parent could ask for. I sighed, taking a last glance at my reflection before grabbing my phone to check my notifications as I wait for someone to bust in my room and complain about me taking too long to get ready, though I'm usually done before anyone else. I see a few notifications in a group chat I'm in with a few friends from school, but it doesn't look super interesting, so I don't bother to check it. A few minutes later, Carmel, my 14-year-old little sister busts into my room with an annoyed expression. Her light tan and white fur blended with her Carmel brown eyes, and pointed ears and a puffy tail, opposite of mine.

Carmel: "What is taking you so long!?"

Coco: "I've been done. I was waiting for you and the parents to finish up."

Carmel: "Oh....well get your fluffy behind out here! We're going to be late!"

She said as she ran down the hallway while I rolled my eyes behind her back. I got up brushing my pants off a bit as I walked out my bedroom, closing the door behind me and slipping my phone in my pocket. Once in the living room, I'm greeted by my mom grabbing her car keys and my dad making sure my sister looked presentable, yet they only batted an eye at me. Once the front door was unlocked, we all headed to the car and drove off. Though zoned out, I wasn't fully gone so I could still hear the radio playing those corny country songs my parents and sister loved to listen too. Once there, I was mainly on my phone looking at the group chat messages that was scent, which was mainly dumb pictures and memes. I looked around at the area and the people around me as I didn't have anything better to do at the moment until I eventually zoned out watching the paster. I snapped back however when everyone around me started to get up, it was finally over. I let out a small sigh of relief as I get up and leave the building with my parents and sister, though my sister decided to be hyper as usual, as if she snorted a line of sugar. After a while we finally get home. Instead of going straight into the living room with my sister and parents, I went into my room and locked the door behind me before throwing myself into bed and getting on my phone. I would say this was a normal Sunday, but this was like this every day, it wasn't church, it was school. Life felt boring in this semi-repetitive cycle, but what can I expect from living in such a small town? I let out a sigh before setting my phone on my nightstand, and getting up to get dressed into my pajamas, as I might as well get comfy before I start laying around and end up being uncomfortable. I laid back down in bed once more, as that's what I do most of the day since all of my friends are out doing something actually fun with their lives. I watch the clock in my room slowly tick away with the soft ticking noise filling my room and the distant laughter and talking from my parent's....Why won't something interesting happen in my life for once? Especially something that can break me from this cycle I'm trapped in...

Woods Of Death. (READ BIO!!!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ